Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kim Jong Un Elected First Chairman of the National Defense Commission of North Korea

April 13. 2012 Juch 101

Kim Jong Un Elected First Chairman of NDC of DPRK

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- The fifth session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK elected Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, supreme commander of the Korean People's Army and supreme leader of the party and people of the DPRK, as first chairman of the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK. The session was convened at a historic time when a bright future is being opened for the great Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il's Korea.

The session solemnly declared at home and abroad that Kim Jong Un was elected as first chairman of the NDC of the DPRK in reflection of the unanimous desire of servicepersons and people of the country. Kim Jong Un, a great statesman of literary and military accomplishments, who is possessed of outstanding wisdom, distinguished leadership ability, matchless pluck and noble revolutionary comradeship, is advancing the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by President Kim Il Sung and led by Kim Jong Il along the path of victory with his sweeping revolutionary practice.

The participants burst into rousing cheers of "Hurrah!" with feelings of strong yearning and loyalty, extending highest glory and warmest congratulations to him.

His election as first chairman of the NDC is an auspicious event that provides an eternal guarantee for glorifying Korean-style socialism centered on the popular masses by consolidating the DPRK as the country of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and demonstrating the dignity and might of the nation.

This is a manifestation of the unshakable will of all the servicepersons and people to follow the supreme commander who has performed great exploits in political, military, economic, cultural and all other fields by providing energetic leadership to the revolution and construction together with Kim Jong Il from long ago.

This is also a historic event that demonstrated the strong will of the army and people of the DPRK to hold Kim Jong Un in high esteem as the center of unity and leadership and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche, Songun revolutionary cause that was started on Mt. Paektu.

All the participants were full of pledge to become genuine revolutionary comrades and comrades-in-arms who would go along the path of the revolution arms in arms and shoulder to shoulder with Kim Jong Un while single-mindedly united around him under the slogan "Let us defend with our very lives the Party Central Committee headed by great Comrade Kim Jong Un!"

Only victory and glory are in store for the army and people who are dynamically advancing under the leadership of Kim Jong Un, closely rallied around him.

DPRK People, Pleased over WPK Conference's Decision

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- The Workers' Party of Korea in its 4th Conference Wednesday approved a decision on holding leader Kim Jong Il in high esteem as its eternal general secretary in order to further glorify his career and life.

Its announcement has given great pleasure to the Korean people.

Vice-Minister of Metal Industry Kim Han Il told KCNA:

Kim Jong Il was a peerlessly great man who performed undying feats for accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche by leading the WPK to victory for scores of years.

Kim Jong Il considered it to be his lifelong duty to make the WPK President Kim Il Sung's party. Under his guidance the WPK turned into the party that secured the singleness of ideology and leadership and enjoyed absolute support and trust of broad masses, with its roots taken deep into the masses.

In particular, he successfully settled the issue of continuity to the leadership, thus laying a solid foundation for the strengthening and development of the party and the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche.

A department director of the Ministry, Kim Hwang Ho, said:

It is the strong will of the Korean people to hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal general secretary of the WPK.

Giving priority to military affairs, he firmly defended the country, the revolution and socialism in unprecedented adversity and turned the DPRK into a military power and a full-fledged nuclear state.

The feats he performed in the efforts to lay a sound economic foundation for building of a thriving nation will be handed down through generations.

DPRK Socialist Constitution Revised and Supplemented

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- Deputy Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, made a report on the revision and supplementation of the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK at the fifth Session of the 12th Supreme People's Assembly on Friday.

It said:

Three years have passed since leader Kim Jong Il was re-elected as chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK at the first Session of the 12th SPA and a new section dealing with the chairmanship of the NDC was added to the Socialist Constitution and it was stipulated there that the NDC chairman is the supreme leader of the DPRK.

Last December the DPRK suffered such great loss as the passing of Kim Jong Il, the father of the nation whom the people trusted and followed as Heaven, and the Korean revolution entered into a crucial historic turning point in carrying forward and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of the dear respected Kim Jong Un.

It was thanks to Kim Jong Un, identical to Kim Jong Il in idea, leadership, personality and virtues that the grief-stricken army and people of the DPRK could turn their greatest sorrow of the nation into redoubled strength and courage.

We are now faced with a scared task to hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal leader of the party and revolution and glorify his revolutionary exploits for all ages under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Il was a peerless patriot and guardian of socialist Korea who put the dignity and national power of the DPRK on the highest level, weathering stern trials under the banner of Songun.

It is the noble moral obligation of the party members, service personnel and people who are soldiers and disciples of Kim Jong Il to hold him in high esteem as the eternal leader of the party and revolution and glorify his revolutionary exploits.

It is the most urgent task facing the state at present to revise and supplement the Socialist Constitution as unanimously desired by the service personnel and people throughout the country to provide a legal guarantee for glorifying the exploits Kim Jong Il performed in the nation-building for all ages.

I would like to courteously bring up the proposal for revising and supplementing the Socialist Constitution of the DPRK for discussion at the current SPA session according to Articles 91 and 95 of the Constitution.

The above-said proposal mainly revised and supplemented the preface and the part dealing with the state machinery, preserving the system of the composition, basic contents and revolutionary principles of the Socialist Constitution provided by President Kim Il Sung and developed in depth by Kim Jong Il.

The contents of the Socialist Constitution newly revised and supplemented are as follows:

Firstly, the preface of the Constitution codified the undying feats performed by Kim Jong Il in the nation-building.

Intensively stipulated in the preface are the undying feats performed in the nation-building by Kim Il Sung, the founder of the DPRK and father of socialist Korea, and Kim Jong Il who built the DPRK into an invincible power and their distinguished personalities as the great men and reflected there are the iron faith and will of the army and people of the DPRK to accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea, holding Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal President of the DPRK and Kim Jong Il as the eternal chairman of the NDC of the DPRK.

Secondly, the part dealing with the state machinery was revised and supplemented.

The intention of the WPK to revise and supplement this part is to make sure that the title of the NDC chairman goes only by the august name of Kim Jong Il so that the revolutionary cause of Juche may be accomplished by holding him in high esteem as the eternal chairman of the NDC of the DPRK as he put the dignity and the national power of the DPRK on the highest level.

Proceeding from this, the proposal newly defined the post of the first chairman of the NDC of the DPRK.

The institution of the new post of the first chairman of the NDC is a very important issue of clarifying who is the supreme leader of the DPRK who will lead the struggle for accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche and providing a legal and institutional guarantee for steadfastly ensuring the unitary leadership of the leader over the overall state affairs.

The present system of the NDC is an original and scientific one established by Kim Jong Il to increase the function of national defence to the maximum as required by the Songun era and ensure the unitary leadership of the leader over the overall state affairs.

That is why the proposal stipulated that the post of the first chairman of the NDC shall be instituted on the principle of inheriting 100 percent the revolutionary essence of the NDC system established by Kim Jong Il and the first chairman of the NDC shall lead the overall state affairs including internal and external affairs as the supreme leader of the state.

The proposal revised the title of Section 2 of Chapter 6 and Articles 91, 95 and 100-105, 107, 109, 116, 147 and 156 of the Constitution in line with the institution of the new post of first chairman of the NDC.

Kim Jong Un's Election as Head of WPK Hailed

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- Officials of the Ministry of Light Industry of the DPRK are delighted at the happy news that the dear respected Kim Jong Un was elected first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Vice-Minister Choe Il Ryong told KCNA:

"The dear respected Kim Jong Un is a prominent great man faithfully carrying forward the idea and cause of leader Kim Jong Il.

Guided by him, our revolution is progressing steadily and confidently along the road shown by the leader."

A department director, Ho Chol San, said Kim Jong Un is a great statesman giving energetic and wise guidance over the party, army and state affairs as a whole.

A department director, Kim Kyong Suk, said,

"Kim Jong Un is the tender-hearted leader of the people as he takes warm care of all of them with deep love.

With the noble outlook on the people, he makes a new history of love for people, attaching top priority to the interests and convenience of the people."

DPRK's Satellite Fails to Enter Its Orbit

Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- The DPRK launched its first application satellite Kwangmyongsong-3 at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station in Cholsan County, North Phyongan Province at 07:38:55 a.m. on Friday.

The earth observation satellite failed to enter its preset orbit.

Scientists, technicians and experts are now looking into the cause of the failure.

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