Thursday, April 19, 2012

Puntland State Constitution Adopted

Garowe Online (Garowe)

Somalia: Puntland State Constitution Adopted

18 April 2012

An estimated 480 representatives, honorable guests and foreign dignitaries attended the constitutional convention in Puntland State's capital, Garowe. (Photo Courtesy Garowe Online) Garowe, Somalia — The Puntland Constitutional Convention came to a close on Wednesday with a finalized Puntland constitution, Radio Garowe reports.

Throughout the 4 day convention, held in the newly constructed parliament, Puntland constitution's 138 articles were painstakingly discussed by the 480 representatives from all regions in Puntland. In an outstanding majority, 472 representatives voted to adopt the Puntland constitution.

Mohamed Hassan Bare Chairman of the Puntland Electoral Commission (PEC) - who spoke after the representatives voted to adopt the constitution - said, "I speaking behalf of the PEC have witnessed 472 representatives, the majority vote adopts the Puntland constitution and I hereby sign this document."

Transitional Federal Government (TFG) Minister of Finance and Commerce Abdiwahab Ugaas, who arrived on Tuesday to participate in the convention, gave a brief statement. "I am very excited to participate in two vital meeting in Garowe. The first being the Garowe principles and today's monumental occasion where Puntland state's constitution has been adopted," said Minister Abdiwahab.

Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole also spoke at the closing. He said Puntland had moved forward in the right direction, "I can confidently say that Puntland is out of the transitional period that we were in for 14 years and we have progressed into democratic government, a step in the right direction," said President Farole.

Celebratory dinners and events are being held in Garowe for the 480 representatives, honorable guests and foreign dignitaries to commemorate the historic day.

The Puntland constitution will be taken to the Puntland Supreme Court where it will be approved as the Puntland state constitution.

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