Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Statement From the PAIGC on the Military Coup in Guinea-Bissau

African Party of Independence of Guinea and Cape - Verde

National Secretariat of the Central Committee

Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau


Gathered today, April 14, 2012, in Bissau, at the National Headquarters of the Party, under the chairmanship of Comrade Commandant, Manuel Saturnino Domingos Costa, First Vice-President of the Party, the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau at large to the National Secretariat, examined the political-military situation resulting from the military coup of April 12, 2012.

The leaders of the PAIGC were informed that during the coup d’état that the houses of the Interim President of the Republic, who also the 2nd Vice-President of the Party; the President of PAIGC, who also serves as the Prime Minister and candidate for President of the Republic, (who won the first round of the presidential elections on 18 March 2012), were vandalized in addition to the houses of other Government members.

In addition, the Permanent Committee and the National Secretariat followed closely through the media the proposed meeting between the self-styled military command and some political parties.

The PAIGC Party is in power and could not under any circumstances be involved in this meeting, because the PAIGC does not recognize the democratic legitimacy of the structure that convoked the meeting.

Given this change in the constitutional order via a coup d’état and this attack on the Rule of Law, the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau, issues the following:

1. Denounce and strongly condemn the military coup of the 12th of April and its main authors along with all manipulations underlying its policies and responsible before the national and international community,

2. Demands an immediate return to constitutional order that must respect the Constitution and other laws of the Republic and the restitution of the democratically established bodies.

3. Demands the immediate and unconditional release of the Interim President of the Republic, Dr. Raimundo Pereira, and the Prime Minister who is also the PAIGC candidate for presidential elections in 2012, Comrade Carlos Gomes Junior, as well as other detainees in the occurrence of this event.

4. Rejects any undemocratic and unconstitutional proposal or solution. The PAIGC expresses its willingness to open and honest dialogue on behalf of the supreme national interests of Guinea-Bissau, and with due respect for the democratic rule of law.

5. Reaffirms, to the Guinean People and the international community, the determination of the PAIGC to not abdicate our democratic gains dictated by universal suffrage by the Peoples’ will expressed in the legislative elections of 2008, which led to the PAIGC being the legitimate Government, whose mandate continues until November 2012.

6. Respects the decisions issued by the competent institutions to resolve the complaints and appeals on this basis and demands the immediate resumption of the electoral process leading to the completion of the second round of presidential elections scheduled for April 29, 2012.

7. Launch a heartfelt appeal to supporters, militants, responsible, parliamentary group leaders of the Party, and all Guineans to remain calm and serene, assuring them that the PAIGC is not intimidated, and much less will not allow their democratic gains to be taken away through hidden and unacknowledged political maneuverings.

8. Enjoying the solidarity shown by the international community to the Guinean People at this difficult time in our life, and seeking greater involvement and monitoring of socio-political and military developments in Guinea-Bissau.

Long live the PAIGC!
Viva Democracy!
Long live the Republic of Guinea-Bissau!

Issued in Bissau, on the fourteenth day of April 2012

The Standing Committee of the PAIGC Political Bureau

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