Friday, June 07, 2013

Syrian Army Continues Operations Against Western-backed Counter-revolutionary Groups

Army Continues Operations against Terrorist Groups

Jun 07, 2013

PROVINCES, (SANA)_ Our armed forces, in a series of successful operations on Thursday, inflicted heavy losses upon armed terrorist groups in Saqba, Adra al-Balad and al-Nabek in Damascus countryside.

These operations resulted in the killing of a number of terrorists including non-Syrians. An official source told SANA reporter that an army unit destroyed a gathering for terrorists in Hajira town, eliminating terrorists including Ziad al-Buka'e, Mohammad Rouh and a Tunisian terrorist nicknamed Abu Hafs.

The source added that another army unit chased a terrorist group in Saqba was killing people and looting their properties, leaving its members killed and wounded.

Five terrorists also were killed while they were manufacturing explosive devices. Abdul Karim al-Khatib was identified among the dead.

In Adra al-Balad and its surroundings the army units continued chasing terrorist groups and destroyed their dens with all weapons and ammunition inside, killing and injuring a number of them.

The source pointed out that members of a terrorist group were killed and injured in al-Nabek as their weapons were destroyed.

In the meantime, an official source told SANA reporter that members of an armed terrorist group were killed and injured and their weapons and ammunition were destroyed in Erbin town. Terrorist Abdul-Rahman Maki was identified among the dead.

Other terrorists, including a sniper, were killed near Hermalleh tunnel, according to the source.

The source added that a unit of the armed forces destroyed a mortar and a heavy machinegun belonging to an armed terrorist group in the farms surrounding al-Mleiheh. A number of the terrorist group's members were killed, including Ahmad Te'meh and Ali al-Deiri.

Another army unit, the source said, eliminated members of an armed terrorist group, including its leader who is nicknamed 'Abo al-Noun' near Tameco medical company in al-Mleiheh.

SANA reporter quoted the source as saying that a number o terrorists' dens were destroyed in the farms surrounding the towns of al-Bahariyeh, al-Zamaniyeh and al-Mansoureh.

A number of terrorist were killed, among them Muwafaq Amr and Yehia al-Holwa were identified.

In Douma city, an army unit carried out a special operation against a den for an armed terrorist group in Aliyeh farms which resulted in the killing of a number of its members, including Abdul-Raouf Mu'mineh, Ibrahim Darwish and Khalid al-Makhraz..

Units of the armed forces clashed with terrorist groups at the roundabouts of al-Manasher and al-Barlaman in Joubar. A number of terrorists were killed in the clashes, among them were Hossam al-Khayat and Samer al-Jammal.

The Armed Forces Repel Terrorists Trying to Seize Quneitra Crossing

A unit of the armed forces repelled terrorist groups which tried to take over Quneitra crossing.

SANA quoted an official source as saying that a large number of the terrorist groups' members were killed, while others were injured, noting that the army unit continues to hunt the rest of the terrorist who fled towards al-Qahtaniyeh village.

The source added that an army unit clashed with an armed terrorist group that had been perpetrating acts of looting and attack against the residents of al-Qahtaniyeh village, killing most of its members and destroying their weapons and ammunition.

The source pointed out that Israeli ambulances transported some of the injured terrorists into the occupied territories, which constitutes a new proof of the close link between these terrorist groups and the Israeli occupation.

Terrorists Attack Electrical Power Station in Hama Countryside

Terrorists fired a mortar shell on the electrical power station in al-Zaraa in Hama countryside, causing huge material damage to the station.

Director of the Station Ali AL-Housha told SANA reporter that the terrorist attack caused damage to the tubes of transporting fuel, water and air to the station building without casualties among the workers.

He added that the maintenance workshops immediately started to repair the damage, pointing out that the electric groups are still working.

Army Operations Continue near Central Prison and Minnegh Airport in Aleppo

The armed forces continued their operations against the armed terrorist groups in Aleppo and its countryside during which they killed many terrorists and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

SANA reporter quoted an official source as saying that five terrorists were killed and their 23 mm caliber anti-aircraft gun was destroyed in Talet al-Madafeh.

A number of terrorists were killed and others were injured near Blaka restaurant in the surrounding of Aleppo Central Prison, according to the source.

The source added that army units clashed with armed terrorist groups near the gas station and the building of the Agricultural Research Centers in the surrounding of Minnegh Airport and killed most of their members.

Another army unit destroyed terrorists' gatherings near Deir Hafer and al-Faisal gas station to the north of Deir Jamal village and in Dahret al-Shurfeh and al-Dweirineh.

The source mentioned that an army unit killed and injured members of an armed terrorist group that was committing acts of looting and blocking roads near Shamsin bakeries on Aleppo-Idleb highway and destroyed their weapons and ammunition.

In Khan al-Assal area, the army units continued hunting the armed terrorist groups and killed a number of their members.

Other army units clashed with terrorists and destroyed a number of their dens near al-Jazmati school compound, al-Lairamoun, Sheikh Maqsoud, Bani Zeid, al-Amiriyeh and the old city of Aleppo.

Terrorists Eliminated, Weapons Destroyed in Daraa Countryside

Army units continued chasing terrorist groups in al-Hrak, Maliha al-Gharbieh in Daraa countryside, inflicting direct injuries upon them.

A military source told SANA reporter that the chasing operations resulted in killing and wounding a number of terrorists, destroying their weapons and seizing a 90 mm gun.

The source said that terrorists Nizar Mohamed Abdel Razzaq al-Hraky, the leader of the so-called 'al-Maliha martyrs' battalion' was identified among the dead.

In the same context, units of the armed forces destroyed a number of terrorists' dens and gatherings in the towns of al-Shabraq, Nafi'eh, Jamleh and Deir al-Adas in the countryside of the province.

A military source told SANA that all the terrorists inside the dens were killed and injured, including Jordanians and Libyans.

The source noted that among the terrorists killed in al-Shabraq village were the Jordanians Samir Mahmoud Hakko and Khalid Mahmoud Malakawi and the Libyan Sufian Hammo, in addition to Firas al-Sammouri, Ghassan al-Nabulsi, Hammoud al-Mheisin and Khalid Abo Khsheirif.

SANA quoted the source as saying that members of an armed terrorist group were killed and others were injured in the village of Deir al-Adas, with their weapons and ammunition destroyed. Zakaraya Mohammad Shteiwi was identified among the killed.

Army Units Repel Terrorists in al-Qunaitera Province

A unit of the armed forces in cooperation with the citizens of al-Qahtania village in al-Qunaitera repelled terrorists who were attempting to attack the village, inflicting heavy losses upon them.

English Bulletin

AL-Qseir Restores Stability, Authorities Put Plans to Rehabilitate Infrastructure

Jun 06, 2013

HOMS,(SANA) - A few days ago, the citizens of al-Qseir city were complaining of the terrorists' acts in the city of looting, sabotaging and targeting citizens, contrary to nowadays where the Syrian flag is fluttering in the middle of the city, thanks to the Syrian army.

Having restored the security and stability to al-Qseir by the Syrian army, the Syrian citizens gathered in the main squire in the city to return to their houses and participate in rebuilding and cleaning the city.

Secretary of the al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in Homs Subhhi Harb paid a visit to the city and stressed that Syria's enemies attempt to weaken it and keep it away from the resistance, hailing the achievements of the Syrian army in al-Qseir.

For his part, Governor of Homs Ahmad Munier Mohammad visited the city accompanied with the directors of the service departments in the province to put plans for rehabilitating all sectors sabotaged by the terrorists.

The citizens stressed that they paid the price of some misled people in the city, voicing their regret over the sabotage in the city and thanking Syrian army for cleaning it from the terrorists.

B. Mousa / Mazen

The Army Regains Control over al-Dab'a and al-Khalidiyeh Villages in Homs

Jun 06, 2013

HOMS, (SANA)- The armed forces on Thursday restored security and stability to al-Dab'a village in the countryside of al-Qseir in Homs province.

An official source told SANA that the army units destroyed the last terrorists' dens and gatherings in al-Dabhaa village and restored security and stability to it.

The source added that the army units killed large number of terrorists and dismantled scores of explosive devices planted by terrorists on the main roads and inside citizens' houses.

It pointed out that the army destroyed several tunnels along with the weapons and ammunition inside them, in addition to killing all terrorists inside that tunnels.

The army units also killed and injured scores of terrorists who were attempting to escape from the Eastern Bouiyda to the Western al-Dmayna, in addition to destroying their weapons and ammunition.

Army Seizes Control of al-Khalidiyeh Village

Earlier, an official source announced that units of the armed forces seized full control of al-Khalidiyeh village in the countryside of Homs province.

The source told SANA that the armed forces restored security and stability to the village after killing numbers of terrorists who had been committing acts of sabotage and terrorism.

The source added that the terrorists who had been attacking an electricity transmission plant near al-Khalidiyeh village were also killed.

H. Said / B. Mousa/ Mazen

Syrian Army recaptures key Golan Heights crossing

Thu Jun 6, 2013 5:6PM GMT

Syrian army troops have established control over a key crossing in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights shortly after it fell into the hands of foreign-backed militants.

On Thursday, Syrian forces liberated the Quneitra Crossing - situated between Syria and the Golan Heights - after heavy clashes with anti-government gunmen.

Earlier in the day, Israeli media reported that foreign-backed militants had seized the crossing.

Meanwhile, Austria has announced that it will withdraw its peacekeepers from the UN monitoring force on the Golan Heights in wake of ongoing battles in the area.

Austrians account for about 380 of the 1,000-strong United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), and their departure will deal a serious blow to the mission.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the Six-Day War of 1967, when it also took control of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

It annexed the Golan Heights in 1981, although the move was never recognized by the international community and was a violation of international law.

The Israeli regime has used various means to help the foreign-sponsored militants in Syria, including the provision of medical assistance.

Also on Thursday, the Syrian troops recaptured the town of al-Daba’a. This came after the Army liberated the strategic town of Qusayr on Wednesday following three weeks of fighting with the militants.

Syria has been gripped by a deadly unrest since March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of government forces, have been killed in the violence.

Damascus says the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants are foreign nationals.

US must send missiles to Syria militants: Senator McCain

Thu Jun 6, 2013 9:45PM GMT

Influential American Senator John McCain says if the US does not expand its engagement in Syria by sending missiles to militants, it would see the Middle East slide into “extremism.”

McCain told the Brookings Institution think-tank on Thursday that "the Syrian state is disintegrating in much of the country, leaving vast ungoverned spaces that are being filled by extremists, many aligned with Al-Qaeda."

Since meeting militant commanders in Syria more than a week ago, it is the second time McCain calls for arming the anti-Syria groups. Earlier in the week, the senator said the government of President Bashar al-Assad has “the upper hand” in Syria now and the failure to send weapons to the militants would make any future peace talks with Damascus tough.

"We could use our stand-off weapons, such as cruise missiles, to target Assad's aircraft and ballistic missile launchers on the ground," McCain said.

"We could enable a provisional government to establish itself in a safe zone in Syria that we could help to protect with Patriot missiles. And we could organize a full-scale operation to train and equip Syrian opposition forces."

McCain’s call came on the same day that Syrian forces liberated the Quneitra Crossing, which is situated between Syria and the Golan Heights, after heavy clashes with anti-government gunmen.

This came after the Syrian Army recaptured the strategic town of Qusayr on Wednesday following three weeks of fighting with the militants.

‘1 killed, 7 wounded in Lebanon clash’

Thu Jun 6, 2013 10:37PM GMT

One person has been killed and seven others wounded in a clash between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the city of Tripoli in northern Lebanon, a security official has said.

The clash between the rival groups occurred on Thursday in Tripoli’s Old Souk area, AFP reported.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said two of the wounded were soldiers, though the identity of the man killed in the exchange of gunfire in the markets of central Tripoli had not been confirmed.

The battle was the latest in a string of Syria-related incidents in the city and came after some three weeks of sectarian fighting in the flashpoint Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tebbaneh neighborhoods, during which around 40 people were killed.

The Army says its units have been deployed on the streets of Tripoli in a bid to restore calm to the city.

The Syria crisis began in March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of soldiers and security personnel, have been killed in the violence.

The Syrian government says that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and there are reports that a very large number of the militants are foreign nationals.

Damascus says the West and its regional allies, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey, are supporting the militants.

AL Continues Hostile Approach against Syria

Jun 06, 2013

CAIRO, (SANA)- The Arab League (AL) has continued its hostile approach against Syria with the aim of foiling all efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria politically.

The AL sang out of tune of the international Russian-American agreement on holding an international conference on Syria without pre-conditions, as it issued instigative decisions which made it a part of the crisis not of the solution.

The AL's decisions, dominated by the petro-dollars sheikdoms, have excluded the Syrian people of any dialogue, that is supposed to be the way for ending the crisis.

The AL's hypocrisy appeared in its decisions for stopping what it has called the "foreign interference" in Syria, at a time when the league itself rushed to internationalize the crisis and begged for a UN Security Council's resolution under chapter VII for military interference in Syria.

The League's decisions ignored the involvement of some of its member countries in sending scores of the takfiri terrorists loaded with weapons to kill the Syrians.

Despite the AL hypocritical call to stop the foreign interference in Syria, but it had repeated its calls for sending military forces to Syria under the pretext of peace keeping forces.

The AL has admitted its failure to resolve the crisis in Syria, noting that Geneva has become the goal because it will lead to a political solution through holding a meeting which includes the Syrian government and the opposition.

However, a Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry's official source said that the Arab League is an essential part of the war being launched against Syria.

" What is issued by the Arab League's summit or foreign ministers meetings does not concern Syria at all as the Arab League was and will never be a part of the solution." The source emphasized.

H. Zain / Ghossoun

Al-Laham: AL Turned into Financial Institution Run by Qatar

Jun 06, 2013

DAMASCUS, (SANA)_Speaker of the People's Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham underlined the role of journalists, thinkers and academics in raising national awareness.

Meeting an Egyptian media delegation on Wednesday, al-Laham said the Syrian people have proved their patriotism and commitment to national and pan-Arab principles through confronting the global conspiracy in its military, political and media dimensions, and their defiance of the unjust economic embargo that targets them in their livelihood.

Al-Laham said that Syria is being punished for defending the Palestinian cause and its support to the Arab resistance.

''The Arab League has turned into a small financial institution run by Qatar sheikhdom in service of foreign agendas,'' al-Laham said, adding that Syria will always defend the nation's main causes.

He added that Arab Spring has only brought killing, wars and destruction to the region, citing the situation in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt were the people's achievements were snatched in favor of powers that do not represent their people.

Al-Laham said that the majority of countries who are exporting terrorists to Syria under the pretext of spreading democracy and freedom and human rights are so detached from democracy and have no constitutions, affirming that ''Syria is bent on combating terrorism and purifying the homeland of the armed terrorist groups.''

Al-Laham emphasized the importance of fighting the terrorist Wahhabi extremism that incites killing and destruction.

He added that the temperament of the Arab street on the situation in Syria has shifted as the conspiracy against it has been divulged and the ties of the 'Syrian opposition' to foreign agendas have become evident.

Egyptian MP, Mohammad Shbaneh said that ''Syria will remain the beating heart of Arabism,'' affirming that the Egyptian people have come to grasp the conspiracy targeting Syria as some terrorism-backing countries have publicly admitted to sending terrorists to Syria.

The delegation members expressed standing by Syria against the conspiracy, stressing the inevitability of Syria's victory thanks to the sacrifices of the Syrian army and the steadfastness of the Syrian people.

Al-Laham: Homeland's Doors Open for Sons who misled way

Al-Laham reaffirmed that doors of the homeland are open in front of all its sons who have misled their way, but didn't commit crimes against citizens.

Participating in a meeting of the national reconciliation committee at the People's Assembly with families of Barzeh, Qaboun and Ish al-Warwar in Damascus, al-Laham pointed out to the importance of uncovering to the homeland's sons the reality of conspiracy to which Syria is exposed and its dangerous repercussions on the security and stability of the Homeland.

He called on all citizens to assume their responsibilities and actively take part in the efforts to come out of the crisis in the country and ease its repercussions which have affected all without any exception.

Omar Ossi, Chairman of the National Reconciliation Committee said that the Committee is working to solve the file of the detainees which became a source of concern for a lot of Syrians.

The families appreciated the efforts of the Committee, expressing their will in restoring security and stability to their areas and calling on the Committee to follow up their problems and listen to their daily concerns.

M. Ismael/ Mazen

Arab Youth Events to Express Solidarity with the Syrian Army

Jun 06, 2013

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- The Revolutionary Youth Union (RYU) organized on Thursday an event to express solidarity with the Syrian Arab Army, its martyrs and leadership and support for the resistance in the face of the global war targeting Syria.

Other similar activities will be held concurrently in seven Arab states today evening, including Palestine, Lebanon, Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritania, Egypt and Jordan.

Today's event was held in cooperation with the Damascus-based Arab Youth Union (AYU), a democratic Arab youth organization that was founded in the Egyptian capital Cairo in 1947 and included 40 organizations. The AYU is concerned with the Arab youth's issues and rights and contributes to achieving the aspirations of the Arab nation in achieving liberation, progress and unity.

Chairman of the RYU, Saleh al-Rashid highlighted in a speech the significance of the event in terms of stressing the Arab youth's support for Syria and appreciation of its army's victories which have enhanced the axis of resistance against that of the US, Israel and their tools in the Arab region.

Al-Rashid affirmed that Syria will remain "the compass of the Arabs" and "the minaret to guide the Arab youth organizations."

Member of the General Secretariat of the AYU Mohammad al-Asasleh from occupied Palestine said the synchronization of this event with the achievements being made by the Syrian army "increases confidence in the inevitability of victory over the conspiracy."

He hailed the awareness of the Syrian and Arab youth in terms of realizing the dimensions of the global war waged against Syria and their role in the steadfastness in the face of "the obscurantist forces".

For his part, Secretary General of the Arab Popular Front for Syria's Support Ahmad Younis from Jordan said that Syria, throughout the crisis, has consolidated its position and "proved its worthiness of being the incubator of the resistance and a basic foundation to achieve liberation from the occupation in Lebanon, Iraq and Gaza."

On holding similar events in some Arab countries, Member of the RYU Leadership, Head of Foreign Relations Office, Maen Abboud, said gatherings will be held in the occupied Palestinian city of Haifa, Tunis, Oran, Nouakchott, Cairo, Amman and Saida.

Abboud clarified that the events will include lightening candles in honor of Syria's martyrs and issuing a unified statement in the participating Arab states on support for the Syrian Arab Army.

H. Said

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