Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Tensions Escalate Between Egypt and Ethiopia Over Blue Nile

Military response to Ethiopia dam requires 'Egyptian people's support': FJP head

Ahram Online, Wednesday 5 Jun 2013

Head of Muslim Brotherhood's political party stresses Egypt's right to defend its 'historical right' to Nile water 'by any means necessary'

The head of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) Mohamed El-Katatni told Al-Ahram's Arabic-language news website on Wednesday that a military response to Ethiopia's Nile dam project "cannot be taken without the consent and support of the Egyptian people."

Tension between Egypt and Ethiopia escalated last week after the latter began diverting the course of the Blue Nile – the source of the lion's share of Egypt's Nile water – as part of a project to build a series of dams along the river.

Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam project has been a source of concern for the Egyptian government, which fears that the project – if completed – could negatively impact Egypt's traditional share of Nile water.

"Egyptians are peaceful by nature, but they have a historical entitlement to Nile water," El-Katatni, a former parliamentary speaker, was quoted as saying. "And it is their right to defend it by any means necessary."

Egypt, he added, had "several options" available to it to respond to recent moves by Ethiopia.

"The first option is the diplomatic approach. If this doesn't succeed we can resort to international arbitration," El-Katatni said.

"And if this doesn't succeed, we can ask regional and international organisations – such as the Arab League and the United Nations – to intervene," he added.

Earlier this week, the Egyptian presidency announced that Addis Ababa had failed to provide substantial information on the impact of the dam on downstream countries.

On Wednesday, a handful of Islamist parties – led by the Brotherhood's FJP – called for a 'national dialogue' to be held on Saturday to table proposals for resolving the issue.

The Brotherhood is the group from which Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi hails from.

'Popular Diplomacy' initiative to form body to deal with Ethiopian dam

Ahram Online, Wednesday 5 Jun 2013

Opposition politicians announce plans to form 'high-level' body to deal with Ethiopian dam crisis, hoping to calm rising tensions between Ethiopia and Egypt

At a press conference held by the "Popular Diplomacy" initiative set up by independent politicians to resolve water disputes between Egypt and Ethiopia, opposition leader George Ishaq said the initiative plans to establish a high-level body that will include experts from Ethiopia and Uganda to resolve Egypt's current crisis with Ethiopia over the latter's plans to build a new dam.

Tensions between Egypt and Ethiopria were stoked after the latter abruptly started diverting waters of the Blue Nile — one of two major tributaries of the Nile River — in preparation for building its Renaissance Dam. Egypt had expressed fears over possible diminished water share as a result of the dam project.

Many Egyptian officials and politicians worry the dam would adversely affect Egypt's water allotment, most of which comes from the Blue Nile.

Egyptian Popular Current founder and leading opposition figure Hamdeen Sabbahi said that the correct path to resolving the issue is acknowledging the right to development of Nile Basin countries.

Sabbahi said the initiative aims to unify popular and official stances regarding the planned dam. He also implored Nile Basin countries, especially Ethiopia, to "acknowledge Egypt's historical rights to Nile River waters."

Member of the Popular Current Amr Helmy, speaking at the press conference, attacked the Egyptian government for not signing the Entebbe Agreement between Nile Basin countries.

The agreement was signed by six African countries, including Ethiopia, and aims to amend quotas stipulated in a colonial-era agreements that gave Egypt the lion's share of Nile waters.

Helmy said that the Renaissance Dam's effect on Egyptian water quotas — which still hasn't been fully assessed — "isn't as frightening as some make it out to be," saying that Egypt and Sudan (the second largest recipient of Nile water) may benefit from the dam.

The initiative decided to hold the press conference after a meeting Monday between Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and opposition politicians was marred with hostile suggestions by attendees, some of whom proposed plans to sabotage the dam. The attendees weren't aware that the meeting was aired live on television.

The meeting wasn't attended by Egypt's main non-Islamist opposition.

Former MP and vice-president of the Pan-African Parliament, Mostafa El-Guindy, who is a founding member of the "Popular Diplomacy" initiative described Monday's meeting as a "disaster."

El-Guindy insisted on holding the press conference, believing the Monday meeting with the president was sure to turn African nations against Egypt.

ElBaradei apology to Ethiopia ‘disgusting’: Salafist Nour Party spokesman

Ahram Online, Wednesday 5 Jun 2013

Leading opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei under fire by Salafist Nour Party spokesman Nader Bakkar for not attending Nile dam meeting with president, issuing apology to Ethiopia

Salafist Nour Party spokesman Nader Bakkar expressed his discontent with opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei after the latter issued an apology to Ethiopia for controversial comments made by Egyptian politicians during a meeting with the president.

The meeting with President Mohamed Morsi on Ethiopia's dam 'crisis' on Monday, which was aired live without notifying the attendees, witnessed suggestions of sabotaging the Ethiopian dam through bribing Ethiopian tribes or spreading false rumours of impending an Egyptian airstrike on the dam as solutions to end the issue.

ElBaradei, who had refused to take part in the meeting, described the statements made at the event as "irresponsible." In his statement he expressed his "sincere apologies to the people and governments of Ethiopia and Sudan" for what was said by meeting participants.

"ElBaradei’s apology to Ethiopia is a contradiction that adds to a list of past contradictions. We never heard your opinion; you have never participated in a dialogue that concerns the nation," said Bakkar on Tuesday, who further described Egypt's opposition bloc as "lame."

Bakkar said not announcing that the meeting would be aired live on television was a "great mistake," adding that "an apology to a country [Ethiopia] that initiated the hostility is disgusting."

He also expressed his appreciation to opposition members who participated in Monday's meeting. "They realise when is the time for competition, criticism and when it is time for national alignment."

Tension between Egypt and Ethiopia escalated last week after the latter commenced plans to divert the course of the Blue Nile as part of its project to build a new dam.

The Renaissance Dam has been a source of concern for the Egyptian government with fears expressed that the project, if completed, could negatively impact the volume of Nile water that will reach Egypt.

Ethiopian officials, for their part, have attempted to dispel fears regarding the dam's potential impact on downstream states, insisting that the project would ultimately benefit all riparian states.

According to Egypt's National Planning Institute, Egypt will need an additional 21 billion cubic metres of water per year by 2050, on top of its current 55 billion cubic metres quota, to meet the water needs of a projected population of 150 million people.

Ethiopia: Egypt attack proposals 'day dreaming'

AP, Wednesday 5 Jun 2013

Ethiopia's official says Egyptian politicians suggestions of sabotaging Renaissance dam is 'day dreaming'

A spokesman for Ethiopia's prime minister is downplaying suggestions by Egyptian politicians that Egypt should sabotage Ethiopia's new Nile River dam.

Political leaders in Egypt on Monday proposed carrying out hostile acts against Ethiopia. Egypt, which is dependent on the Nile, fears a diminished flow.

Getachew Reda, a spokesman for Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, said late Tuesday that Egyptian leaders in the past have unsuccessfully tried to destabilize Ethiopia. He called the suggestions of attack or sabotage an "old failed concept." He also labeled it "day dreaming."

Ethiopia last week ago began diverting the flow of the Nile toward its $4.2 billion hydroelectric plant that has been dubbed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. The project, currently about 20 percent complete, has raised concerns in Nile-dependent Egypt.

Ethiopia hasn’t complained to UN over dam comments: Morsi spokesperson

Ahram Online, Wednesday 5 Jun 2013

Presidential spokesperson denies reports that Ethiopia has complained to UN over controversial comments made at dam meeting

An Egyptian presidential spokesperson has denied reports that Ethiopia has filed a complaint with the UN Security Council over comments made at President Morsi's meeting on Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam.

The meeting, which was broadcast live without the knowledge of some attendees, came under fire for featuring indiscreet, off-the-record statements.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said his country would file a complaint about the meeting with the UN.

"No official move, however,has been taken," spokesperson Omar Amer said on Tuesday in televised comments.

Among the controversial comments were that Egypt could indirectly threaten military action against Ethiopia, while another proposed "destroying" the dam.

Amer stressed that President Morsi had concluded the meeting by highlighting Egypt's respect for both Ethiopia and Sudan.

Some participants expressed displeasure and surprise that the meeting had been televised live, but others had known about the situation, Amer stated.

Amer reiterated the presidency's apology for not informing all participants about the live broadcast, stressing it was a mistake.

"It was initially planned that the meeting would be recorded and aired the following day as is usually the case, but due to the importance of the topic it was decided at the last minute to air the meeting live," presidential aide for political affairs, Pakinam El-Sharqawy, said via Facebook on Monday. "I forgot to inform attendees of the changes."

On 28 May, Ethiopia began diverting the course of the Blue Nile, one of the Nile River’s two major tributaries, as part of its project to build a new$4.7 billionhydroelectric dam. The move has heightened concerns in Egypt and Sudan, both dependent on the world's longest river for water.

Ethiopian officials have attempted to dispel fears about the dam's potential impact on downstream states, insisting the project will ultimately benefit all riparian states.

Egypt's live TV coverage of Nile crisis meeting draws fire

Sherif Tarek, Tuesday 4 Jun 2013

Candid statements by Egyptian political figures regarding Ethiopia's contentious Nile dam move – aired on live TV without their knowledge – draw scathing criticism, mockery from President Morsi's detractors

A host of unguarded statements made at a meeting between Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and political figures held to discuss the Ethiopia dam 'crisis' have prompted a wave of criticism against Egypt's already-under-fire government decision-makers.

Walking into Monday's meeting unaware that the event was being aired on live television, Egyptian figures from across the political spectrum candidly spoke their minds, with many making what were seen as offensive suggestions as to how to deal with the ongoing controversy over Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam project.

While Morsi did not respond to any of the controversial statements made at the meeting, his aide for political affairs, Pakinam El-Sharqawy, has since apologised for failing to inform attendees that the 'national dialog' meeting was being broadcast live.

"It was initially planned that the national meeting would be recorded and aired the following day as is usually the case, but due to the importance of the topic it was decided at the last minute to air the meeting live," she said via Facebook late on Monday. "I forgot to inform attendees of the changes."

Her apology, however, failed to offset her – or the speakers' – embarrassment.

The well-known 'We Are All Khaled Saeed' Facebook page – which played a prominent role in mobilising the public for Egypt's 2011 revolution – said of the affair: "How can a meeting held to discuss a national security issue... be televised live without attendees' knowledge?"

The page also blamed El-Sharqawy, who attended the meeting, for not immediately informing participants – especially once they began speaking bluntly – that the meeting was being broadcast live. "Is this appropriate planning from the presidency of a country with Egypt's status?" page administrators asked.

For his part, leading opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei, who had refused to take part in Monday's meeting, described the statements made at the event as "irresponsible." He went on to issue his "sincere apologies to the people and governments of Ethiopia and Sudan" for what was said by meeting participants.

'Maintaining secrecy'

At the meeting, liberal politician Ayman Nour said that "Sudan's stance on the crisis is disgusting," before suggesting that Egypt spread false rumours about an impending Egyptian airstrike on the Ethiopian dam. Promoting such a rumour, said Nour, "could yield results on the diplomatic track."

In comments made via Twitter following the meeting, Nour, head of the liberal Ghad El-Thawra Party, expressed his "surprise" that the meeting had been televised live. He said attendees had not been informed of this fact, "despite the sensitivity of the situation."

Salafist Nour Party leader Younis Makhioun, who also seemed unaware that the meeting was being aired live, stated that destroying the dam should be a last resort.

First, Makhioun recommended backing Ethiopian rebel movements against Addis Ababa. "We can communicate with them and use them as a bargaining chip against the Ethiopian government," he said.

"If this fails, Egypt will have no choice but to play its final card: using the intelligence apparatus to destroy the dam," said Makhioun, whose Nour Party won roughly one quarter of the seats in parliament in 2011/12 elections.

Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat, chairman of the liberal Reform and Development Party, elaborated on the role that should be played by Egypt's intelligence apparatus, again referring to Ethiopian rebels who might be co-opted by Egyptian intelligence.

"Ethiopia [consists] of multiple tribes, and your Excellency [Morsi] knows that everybody in Africa can be bribed," he said.

After several other speakers candidly spoke their minds, Magdi Hussein, leader of the Islamist-leaning New Labour Party, urged attendees to "maintain the secrecy" of what was said at the meeting – before being told that the event was being carried on live television.

Diplomatic incident?

Due to its Mubarak-era foreign policies, which neglected relations with African nations, Egypt over the last three decades has barely been seen by most African states as part of the continent.

On several occasions, the Morsi administration has pledged to repair Egypt's damaged relations with its African counterparts. Such hopes, however, appear to have been dealt a serious setback in the wake of Monday's unfortunate meeting.

"These are the people who will restore our relations with Africa," veteran journalist and opposition figure Ibrahim Isaa said sarcastically in televised comments following the meeting.

Mostafa El-Guindy, former MP and vice-president of the Pan-African Parliament (the African Union's legislative body), who had been involved in previous talks between Egypt and Nile Basin countries, described Monday's meeting as a "disaster."

"A child would know that such matters cannot be discussed this way," El-Guindy, who is also a member of the 'Popular Diplomacy' initiative (which aims at resolving the current impasse with Ethiopia), said in televised comments.

"What happened is high treason and will turn all African nations against us," he said. "We [the Popular Diplomacy initiative] must hold a popular press conference as a national duty to reject what was said [at Monday's national dialog meeting] and stress that Ethiopians and Africans are our brothers."

Tension between Egypt and Ethiopia escalated last week after the latter abruptly diverted part of the Blue Nile, which represents Egypt's chief source of Nile water. The move, seen as an essential step towards building the country's planned Grand Renaissance Dam, came in the immediate wake of a visit to Ethiopia by President Morsi.

Egypt – fearing the move's impact on its traditional supply of Nile water – quickly summoned the Ethiopian ambassador in Cairo to express its displeasure.

Ethiopian officials, for their part, have attempted to dispel fears regarding the dam's potential impact on downstream states, insisting that the project would ultimately benefit all riparian states.

The Blue Nile provides Egypt with the lion's share of its annual allotment of 55 billion cubic metres of river water.

Egypt irrigation minister hints at covert response to Ethiopia dam project

Ahram Online, Wednesday 5 Jun 2013

Egyptian Irrigation Minister Mohamed Bahaa El-Din says that the government will not give up one drop of Egypt's water quota, adding that Egypt is already suffering a yearly water deficit equivalent to LE7 billion

Egyptian Irrigation Minister Mohamed Bahaa El-Din has said that the Egyptian government "will not give up on one drop of water," in reference to the growing Egypt-Ethiopia crisis over the plans of the latter to build a new dam.

"The state has started taking procedures that we will not announce,” he added, according to the state-owned MENA news agency Wednesday.

“We are suffering a yearly deficit of water that reaches LE7 billion,” the minister added.

Earlier this week, Bahaa El-Din said that Ethiopia's planned Renaissance Dam project was sure to negatively affect the electricity-generating capacity of Egypt's High Dam.

At a meeting between electricity ministry officials and members of Egypt's Shura Council (the upper house of parliament), Bahaa El-Din asserted that the Ethiopian dam — especially during periods of water scarcity — would lead to "disaster" for Egypt, Al-Ahram's Arabic-language news website reported.

Last week, in the immediate wake of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia began diverting part of the Blue Nile in preparation for the dam's construction.

Most of Egypt's annual quota of Nile water, which — according to a colonial-era water-sharing treaty — stands at 55 billion cubic metres, comes from the Blue Nile. The decades-old water-sharing agreement gives Egypt, along with Sudan, the lion's share of Nile water.

In 2010, Egypt and Sudan refused to join the Entebbe Agreement signed between Ethiopia and five other Nile Basin countries, which sought to reallocate Nile waters on a more equitable basis.

Signatories argued that the old agreement had been written by colonial powers and unfairly favoured Egypt and Sudan.

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