Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Former Libyan Education Minister Order Executed by Misrata Rebels

Libya: Gadhafi-Era Minister Sentenced to Execution

Esam Mohamed July 31, 2013

(TRIPOLI, Libya) — A criminal court in Libya’s western city of Misrata sentenced a Gadhafi-era education minister to death on Wednesday for murder and for inciting violence during the 2011 imperialist war led by the Pentagon and NATO.

It was the second such guilty verdict by the same court in recent days.

A judge found Ahmed Ibrahim guilty of inciting residents in Muammar Gaddafi’s hometown of Sirte to fight the rebels that were seeking to overthrow the Libyan leader. Ibrahim also was convicted of spreading false news through the local radio station and terrorizing and demoralizing the public.

The judge also found him guilty of killing a man named Moftan Sadiq el-Sofrani after kidnapping him from a hospital, as well as giving orders to kidnap and kill five other people from the el-Sofrani family.

The el-Sofrani family’s lawyer, Salim Dans, told The Associated Press that the case will be sent to Libya’s Supreme Court, which will either accept the initial sentencing or accept an appeal, if filed.

According to Libyan law, Ibrahim will be executed by a firing squad. No timeframe was given.

Gadhafi was captured by rebel forces in October 2011 and killed.

A few days ago, the same court in Misrata sentenced Masnour Al-Daw Gadhafi to death for his role in the civil war. He belongs to the Gadhafi family and was a top security chief of one of Libya’s most-hated security bodies called the Popular Guard. He also had been captured by rebels.

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