Friday, January 31, 2014

Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on PRN.FM: 'What's Behind the Forced Bankruptcy of Detroit'

Leid Stories - 01/29/14

What's Behind the Emergency Management and Forced Bankruptcy of Detroit?

To listen to this broadcast featuring a lecture by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, just click on the website below:

Continuing our coverage of Detroit's mammoth bankruptcy saga, Leid Stories provides a primer on the hidden motives behind the appointment by Gov. Rick Snyder of an emergency manager to take charge of the city's fiscal and related operational decisions while choreographing its forced descent into bankruptcy.

A special presentation is given by Abayomi Azikiwe, who regularly contributes reports to Leid Stories on the battles in bankruptcy court and on the growing tide of opposition among Detroiters, who see themselves as victims of political machinations that in effect have placed them under autocratic rule. A Q&A follows his presentation.

Azikiwe is the editor of the Pan-African News Wire and an organizer-activist with Moratorium Now!, a grassroots group that has been seeking a halt to foreclosures, evictions and utility cutoffs for struggling Detroiters.

Azikiwe gives an historical analysis of the crisis in Detroit placing it within the context of developments within the national and world economy. The significance of the majority African American population is pointed out in light of the undemocratic and racist character of the attacks on unions, retirees, community residents and the ownership of public assets.

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