Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Puntland Forces Seize Al-Shabaab Weapons

Jan 26, 2014 - 11:25:12 PM


Somalia: Puntland forces recover weapons from Al Shabaab hideouts

26 Jan 26, 2014 - 6:15:30 AM

BOSSASO, Somalia Jan.26, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Puntland Government in northern Somalia unveiled that Puntland defense forces recovered heavy ammunitions, explosive devices, medical drugs and solar equipments from Al Shabaab hideouts following deadly assault on the militant group’s base in Galgala area near the Golis Mountain range, Garowe Online reports.

The seized materials have been presented to the media during a joint press conference in the port city of Bossaso by Puntland Deputy Police Chief Gen. Muhyadin Ahmed Musse and the acting Deputy Security Minister Abdijamal Osman Mohamed on Sunday.

Gen. Musse thanked Puntland forces for dismantling Al Shabaab hideouts and said “battalions from Puntland defense forces executed national duty to drive Al Shabaab remnants out of their areas”.

“Our forces are on high alert for all terror threats and they will closely follow the ongoing issues,” he added.

Meanwhile, the acting Deputy Minister of Security Mohamed reiterated Puntland government’s commitment to eliminating terror acts, declaring that the government will soon step up clean-up operations.

Puntland forces yesterday attacked Al Qaeda linked Al Shabaab militants’ bases in Galgala vicinity, killing three fighters and wounding seven others.

As anti-Al Shabaab military offensives continue to intensify in southern Somalia, fugitive extremists infiltrated into the northeastern Golis Mountains where they regrouped to form underground cells and launch attacks.

Al Shabaab faced the largest military response from former Puntland leader Abdirahman Mohamed Farole in mid-2010.


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