Friday, September 25, 2015

Search for Nefertiti Inside Tutankhamun's Tomb Approved
Nevine El-Aref
Wednesday 23 Sep 2015

Radar examination is to be used to determine whether Nefertiti is buried inside the tomb of her son-in-law, King Tutankhamun

Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities has approved the use of non-invasive radarto test a theory suggesting that Queen Nefertiti’s burial chamber is hidden within King Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Mouchira Moussa, media consultant to the antiquities minister, said the radar is not going to cause any damage to the tomb’s walls and final security clearance will likely be obtained within a month. She added that British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves is to come to Luxor on Monday to inspect the northern wall of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Reeves published a theory in August suggesting that the burial chamber of Queen Nefertiti could be located behind the northern wall of Tutankhamun’s tomb. Reeves believes that Tutankhamun may have been rushed into an outer chamber of what was originally Nefertiti's tomb.

This theory was developed after Reeves' examination of high detailed photographs taken by Spanish artistic and preservation specialists Factum Arte, which was commissioned to produce detailed scans of Tutankhamun’s tomb in order to reconstruct a replica.

Field trip to search for Nefertiti's resting place to start within a week

Nevine El-Aref
Sunday 20 Sep 2015

Archaeologist Nicholas Reeves is to arrive to Luxor, 28 September, in the hope of confirming his theory on the location of Nefertiti's final resting place in Tutankhamun's tomb

On 28September, Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh Eldamaty and British archaeologist Nicholas Reeves, along with a group of Egyptian and foreign scientists, are to embark on an investigation trip to Luxor to prove Reeves' theory that Queen Nefertiti's remains lay in Tutankhamun's tomb.

Via state-of-the-art equipment, Reeves is to examine Tutankhamun's northern wall, in order to inspect behind it and possibly locate the existence of the final resting place of Queen Nefertiti.

Early August, Reeves published a theory suggesting that the west and north painted walls inside King Tutankhamun’s tomb have two secret passageways that lead to two chambers, one of them containing the remains of Nefertiti — queen of Egypt and the chief consort and wife of the monotheistic King Akhenaten, Tutankhamun's father. The remaining chamber could be another gallery for Tutankhamun.

A press conference is to be organised in Cairo upon their arrival from Luxor to announce the results of the investigation.

In a telephone call with Reeves, he told Ahram Online he would not be able to release any statement until the scientific work and examination are carried out.

Tutankhamun's tomb off the tourist track starting October

Nevine El-Aref
Sunday 20 Sep 2015

The boy king's resting place will undergo restoration work

Visitors to the royal necropolis in the Valley of the Kings will be unable to admire the tomb of boy king Tutankhamun after 1 October as it will be closed for conservation.

Antiquities minister Mamdouh Eldamaty has said the project includes the restoration of the tomb's floor and the relocation of the king's mummy from its current position to side room which will provide a better environment for its preservation.

Eldamaty said the restoration work near Luxor will last between one and three months.

The tomb's walls will be cleaned and restored with paintings also consolidated and strengthened.

The tomb of Tutankhamun was discovered intact by British archaeologist Howard Carter in November 1922 during excavation works carried out in the Valley of the Kings on Luxor's west bank.

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