Monday, October 26, 2015

ANC Dismisses Plot to Topple Nzimande
Monday 26 October 2015 - 11:22am

JOHANNESBURG - The ANC has distanced itself from claims made by the SACP’s second deputy secretary-general Solly Mapaila, who accused cabinet ministers of conniving to get rid of Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande.

Mapaila accused Nzimande’s colleagues in the executive of government and the ruling party of bankrolling the protests of students at universities, in the process making Nzimande “look bad” and out of his depth.

“The ANC dismisses assertions made by Comrade Solly Mapaila suggesting that there are ANC NEC members and Ministers who are targeting the NEC member and Minister of Higher Education Comrade Blade Nzimande, with a view to weaken him politically and to get him fired,” the ANC said in a statement.

“This line of thought is bound to create unnecessary tensions within the ANC leadership and Cabinet.

“The view of the ANC is that, both the ANC and government have closed ranks in addressing the recent students’ protests that resulted in the organization and government expressing a singular view supporting a speedy resolution to matters raised by students.

“The Cabinet went further to express confidence in the role and leadership of Comrade Blade.

“The ANC is unaware of the claims made by Comrade Mapaila of ANC NEC members and Cabinet Ministers who are targeting Comrade Blade."

The ruling party challenged Mapaila to come forward with evidence supporting his claims.

“We will appreciate him coming forward with the names behind the alleged campaign. The issue of the ANCYL was resolved in an alliance meeting with PYA structures where the ANCYL withdrew their comments and called for the movement to close ranks. We call on all our structures including the alliance to desist using media for matters that can be raised internally.”

Thousands of students from across most of South Africa’s universities embarked on nationwide protests against proposed fee hikes for next year last week.

Some of their demands were met when President Jacob Zuma on Friday announced that there would be no university fee increases for next year.

Among their demands, students informally called for the axeing of Nzimande.

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