Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Zambian President Lungu Shames Critics Again
June 16, 2016

LUSAKA. — President Edgar Lungu got to work at a time his critics were casting doubt on his state of health by swearing in eight judges of the Appeals Court.

His critics have gone to town making innuendos about his state of health but President Lungu has twice delivered a witty response by once appearing on national television and also having sworn judges as part of his routine duties at State House.

The Head of State has also maintained his confidence in women by appointing a lady to head the Appeals Court.

He has appointed four women to the Appeals Court that mark a significant leap in the push for women representation at decision making level.

President Lungu is expected to get back to the battle front next week when he once again hits the campaign trail.

The Head of State has so far had landmark campaign rallies in Lusaka and the Copper-belt and will be spreading his tentacles to the rest of the country when he returns to the battlefront.

President Lungu told newly sworn-in High Court judge Davies Chali Mumba and his family that he needs more prayers.

He advised judges to avoid drinking alcohol in nightclubs at late hours.

“Wean yourselves off from friends and relatives with questionable character and who may tarnish your image. They will say, that judge is loose, he is corrupt because obviously he is seen drinking at a club at late hours,” President Lungu said.

The President further advised newly sworn-in Judges to sustain the integrity of the judiciary.

“The office of the judge is not about glamour; there are those that think that to be a judge is glamorous, I don’t think so. At the end of it all, there is more than glamour. People’s expectations are high.

“Therefore, I would like to encourage you to work hard, and you’re a good mixture of males and females. And also, make sure that the integrity we are talking about is maintained,” said President Lungu.

President Lungu urged voters to participate in the referendum and maintained that he would not amend the Constitution if he retained office after the August 11 elections.

“Participate in the referendum. If we don’t achieve that, we shall bury it because there is a lot of money spent on such. So there is need to take advantage of this opportunity and vote yes,” President Lungu said.

Meanwhile, first lady Esther Lungu said she might be forced to stop her outreach programme following the launch of election campaigns because she does not want to be misunderstood.

“I may not finish my outreach programme because the time we are in, the campaign period, I may be misinterpreted.

“However, I appreciate your donations to the (Esther Lungu Foundation) Trust, your donations will help alleviate the poverty-stricken Zambians out there. And with your support, we can make Zambia a better place to live in,” Esther said.

The first lady said this when various organisations donated tents and wheelchairs, among other items, to her foundation and State House.

— postzambia.com/Zambia Reports.

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