Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Maduro: Venezuela Demands Respect
Nicolás Maduro criticized the interventionist attempts of certain nations that have allied with Venezuela’s domestic extreme right to destabilize the government

Redacción Internacional |
April 4, 2017 13:04:01

In his weekly television program “Los Domingos con Maduro” the Venezuelan President declared that the differences between Venezuela’s branches of government had been overcome. Photo: AVN

Caracas.– Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, demanded respect for his country this April 2, and criticized the interventionist attempts of certain nations that have allied with Venezuela’s domestic extreme right to destabilize the government.

According to AVN, Maduro condemned unpatriotic sectors who, through the media war, present to the world “a caricature, a manipulated deformation of what Venezuela is, which like any country has its problems and resolves them peacefully, constitutionally.”

Faced with the tense situation in the country, on the evening of March 31, and into the early hours of April 1, Venezuela’s National Security Council met, presided by Maduro, which according to the constitution is the highest consultational body responsible for the planning and orientation of state power.

In a statement, read by Executive Vice President Tarek El Aissami, the Council called on the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) to review decisions no. 155 and 156, with the objective of maintaining constitutional stability.

Issued by the TSJ the previous week, both rulings sought to preserve the rule of law, in the face of those factions that seek to disregard the legal system and violate the national sovereignty of the Caribbean nation, especially within the National Assembly, which continues to be in a state of contempt of the judicial branch.

TSJ President, Maikel Moreno, indicated that the call of the Security Council was heard, and a statement was later issued on the court’s website clarifying important aspects of the past rulings.

The suspension of lawmaker’s parliamentary immunity was annulled, as well as the section referring to the Constitutional Chamber assuming determined functions of the National Assembly.

Following the Security Council meeting, President Maduro declared that the differences between the branches of state of the South American nation had been overcome, as teleSUR reported.

The ruling ratified that the Constitutional Chamber of the TSJ is “the competent body for the control of the constitutionality of the acts issued by any branch of national state power,” as well as “the resolution of conflicts between branches.”

Also expressed was the “rejection of any intervention that attempts against the independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and self-determination” of the Bolivarian Republic.

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