Tuesday, July 25, 2017

COSATU Mourns the Death of Cde Ronnie Mamoepa
23 July 2017

The Congress of South African Trade Unions joins millions of people in South Africa to mourn the death of activist and long serving government Spokesperson Ronnie Mamoepa, who passed away in the early hours of this morning. We send our heartfelt condolences to his family, colleagues and his friends.

Cde Ronnie Mamoepa was a political activist whose youth was stolen by the evil apartheid regime ,when he was sent to Robben Island at the tender age of 18. He went on to become one of the best spokespersons and communications pioneers for the ANC. He dedicated his entire life to liberating the people of this country from the shackles of apartheid and also served them as a dedicated public servant for many years. We all owe him for his sacrifices and commitment.

His untimely death has created a vacuum not just in government but in the country that he served and loved so much. He has been a familiar face and voice for our democratic government for so many years and his professionalism and easy going manner was exemplary.

He will always be remembered as a humble and dedicated activist, who commanded respect and possessed credibility. He used his considerable experience in the communications field to serve this country with integrity. Cde Ronnie Mamoepa was always well informed and he articulated government policies and positions with clarity and elegance.

He represented the best values of a people centred and people driven government and in an era of a creeping bureaucratic arrogance, he was an exemplary public servant anchored and guided by the Batho Pele principles. He was more than a public servant but he was an activist and really cared about the people that he served and the country in general.

Sizwe Pamla (Cosatu National Spokesperson)

Tel: 011 339 4911
Fax: 011 339 5080
Cell: 060 975 6794

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