Sunday, July 30, 2017

Mozambique: Political Stability and Good Rainfall Contribute to Agricultural Growth

Regular rainfall during the present agricultural campaign along with political stability and the appreciation of the national currency, the metical, have contributed to a 5.9 per cent growth in agricultural output in Mozambique. According to the Minister of Agriculture, Jose Pacheco, these preliminary figures point to generalised increases in production during the first growing season.

Pacheco was speaking on 20 July at the opening of his ministry's coordinating council which is being held in Marracuene. He pointed out that there were positive results in the production of cereals, roots, tubers, legumes, vegetables, cashew nuts, and sugar cane. In the livestock sector, there has been a growth in the production of beef, pork, chicken, milk and eggs. However, he noted that the production of goat meat has declined by nine per cent compared with last year.

The minister highlighted the important role played by agricultural research in making available and distributing 8,366 tonnes of maize seed, 561 tonnes of rice, 264 tonnes of bean seed, 7 tonnes of seed potatoes, 1,137 cassava seedlings, and 11,560 cubic metres of sweet potatoes. In addition, under the integrated transfer of technology programme, 1,034 extensionists set up 943 demonstration fields which benefitted 35,650 producers.

Mechanisation has increased greatly. Pacheco revealed that 134 service centres have been established, allowing for 50,000 hectares of land to be ploughed compared with just 6,000 hectares during the previous growing season.

Irrigation is also increasingly available, with the rehabilitation of 1,876 hectares of irrigated land in the provinces of Gaza, Inhambane, Manica, and Zambezia. This has benefitted 2,200 farmers.

Pacheco added that training in food security and nutrition was given to 171 people in Nampula, Zambezia, Manica, and Gaza provinces, including 23 parliamentarians, 14 district administrators, 70 provincial assembly members, 14 district directors of agriculture, and 50 representatives of civil society.

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