Tuesday, November 28, 2017

DPRK Representative Speaks at Asian Parliamentary Meeting
Peace and development still face grave challenges in Northeast Asia, the Middle East and other parts of the world owing to powers’ persistent pursuit of domination of and aggressive intervention in the Asian continent, Ri Jong Hyok, head of the delegation of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly, said as he addressed the 10th general assembly of the Asian parliamentary meeting which was held on November 21-23 in Turkey.

The ever-rising tension on the Korean peninsula since the advent of the Trump administration is arousing serious concerns among the world community, said Ri who is also a deputy to the DPRK SPA and director of the National Reunification Institute.

The world witnessed the US chief executive announcing on the UN stage that he would totally destroy a sovereign state, not content with his references to “regime change” and “system overthrow”, he said, recalling that the US used the UN Security Council to adopt three toughest anti-DPRK resolutions, which are illegal and unlawful, this year alone.

He went on to say that it is a resolute choice and firm determination of all the Korean people to face the US steeped in strength and nuclear weapons only by striking a balance of strength with nukes. And he said he was convinced the theme of the general assembly would come true when all Asian peoples get united under the ideals of independence, peace and friendship.

He extended full support and solidarity to the peoples of Iran, Syria, Palestine and other Asian countries who are struggling to counter foreign intervention and defend national sovereignty.


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