Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Trump Derided as Lunatic
Pyongyang Times

On January 20 Rodong Sinmun, central organ of the Workers’ Party of Korea, carried a comment under the title of “Trump’s health checkup is the talk of the world”.

Saying that the first health checkup Trump had after he took office as the US president has become the heated worldwide topic, the comment noted that Trump cannot remove his stigma as he has been branded as a madman for using all kinds of abusive language and committing rash acts.

Though he decried his predecessors as incompetent just after he was sworn in and whipped up the extremely reckless nuclear war frenzy while vowing ostentatiously that he would settle the “nuclear issue of north Korea” and incessantly letting loose such violent remarks as “lull before the storm” and “fire and fury”, it noted, the Americans are trembling with fear and uneasiness and the US has brought disgrace upon itself.

Trump came under fire from the American media as he recently made such a brag that he has a bigger nuclear button than north Korea, it stated. It said that the argument about his insanity is rapidly growing with the publication of book “Fire and Fury” written by an American journalist as a momentum, the US is isolated from the international community and its allies due to the “America First” devised by insane Trump, and he gave rise to the extreme hostility of Islamic nations by declaring in December last year that he recognized Palestine’s Kuds as the capital of Israel.

He is now the butt of criticism of the world as he belittled the African countries as the “den of beggars” on January 11, it emphasized.

Medical experts of the US who have been keeping close watch on his behaviour unanimously described his conduct as an abnormal psychopathic symptom, rather than a manifestation of his disposition, it added.

It referred to the need to write down “dotard Trump” in the case history sheet in place of his name and send him to the mental hospital by removing him from office at once.


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