Thursday, August 08, 2019

Cuba is Not Alone, and Will Never Be
The Venceremos Brigade, composed of working men and women from the United States, was again at home, in Cuba to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding

Bertha Mojena Milián |
August 2, 2019 14:08:32

The Venceremos Brigade has carried out commendable work in solidarity with Cuba and against the blockade. Photo: Ariel Cecilio Lemus Alvarez

The Venceremos Brigade was again at home, in the Cuba its members love and defend, to celebrate its 50th anniversary at the Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples (ICAP) in Havana.

The event was chaired by Jorge Cuevas Ramos, a member of the Communist Party of Cuba Secretariat, and deputy director of its department of International Relations, and Leisle Kagan, a founder of the Brigade spoke. She noted that, over the years, she has learned that solidarity is not a slogan, but rather a commitment that must be fulfilled day by day, because when people come together they can determine, shape, and reshape history, as the Cuban Revolution has done, with friends around the entire world.

Decorated Hero of the Republic and ICAP President Fernando González, described the valuable work done by the Brigade, composed of men and women from the U.S. who have made the challenging trip through third countries, bringing donations and facing their government’s hostility and attacks.

He thanked the brigade for its expressions of love and said that Cuba stands in solidarity with struggles in the United States, especially those of African-Americans, but also with those of Latinos and women, the LGTBI community, and immigrants, among others.

He reiterated that every action they have carried out in support of Cuba, however small, has great value and impacts our people, insisting on the significance of the solidarity shown by the Venceremos Brigade, the first of its kind worldwide to express support in a concrete way with our country.

“You have shown that Cuba is not, and will never be alone. Let us keep alive the example of Fidel, who firmly believed in the work of the Venceremos Brigade and its unyielding ability to overcome walls and obstacles. Let us uphold together the ideals of equality, brotherhood, and peace,” he said.

Members of the Venceremos Brigade will pay tribute to Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, on August 13, on the 93rd anniversary of his birth, after visiting communities, workplaces, historical sites in various territories of the country and participating in voluntary and productive work.

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