Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Thousands Protest Johnson's Suspension of Parliament
Morning Star, UK

Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott addresses protesters outside the Houses of Parliament, London
THOUSANDS of people protested in Westminster this evening in response to Boris Johnson proroguing Parliament.

In a rally on College Green behind Westminster Abbey, dozens of people took to the microphone to condemn the PM for shutting down Parliament next month for around three weeks.

The Queen approving his request sparked outrage across Britain.

Anna, a citizen from Poland, said in addressing Mr Johnson: “We are going to occupy, strike, and do whatever it takes because if you disrespect Parliament and democracy, we will disrespect you.”

She said that a number of MPs were planning to “occupy” Parliament while it is suspended and urged protesters to write to their MP to ask them to do so.

“Let’s not just march and then go home. Let’s organise wherever we can to get this movement going,” she added.

Pro-EU protesters with placards saying “this is what democracy looks like” and “stop the coup” blocked the roads on their way to Parliament Square and Downing Street.

The Greens’ deputy leader Amelia Womack told the crowd: “You look like a ginormous beacon of hope.

“Our parliamentarians are the representatives of the people and they have been disregarded by a government that doesn’t care about the MPs or the people.

“Boris Johnson’s latest move is an outrage and a cynical attempt to divert Parliament. He is using this prosecute to take away our democratic rights.

“He has suspended Parliament. We shouldn’t use archaic words like prorogue to cloud what he’s really trying to do – which is to appease people like fascists and the far-right.”

Lana from Chechnya said she came to Britain 10 years ago to start a new life away from a country that would “kill you off if you protest.”

She added: “This makes me shiver with anger. This is not the reason I left. I want to live in a free country.

“This country does not belong to Boris Johnson. It belongs to you and me, the people who voted for Brexit and for Remain.”

A protester who referred to himself as Michael said: “All day at work I’ve been trembling with rage.

“This is much bigger than Brexit. The government has no plan and have no intention of doing anything at all except sell us out to US corporations.”

A petition started soon after Mr Johnson sent the request to the Queen to approve his plans to suspend Parliament has received almost 650,000 signatures by 7pm.

As it amassed more than 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate by MPs.

The petition, which was created by Mark Johnston on Parliament’s website, states that Parliament should not be prorogued unless there is another extension of the Brexit deadline or the idea of leaving the European Union is scrapped altogether.

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