Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Cuba’s Response to the Blockade: More Revolution!
Addressed at length on Cuban television, with the participation of President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez and the Council of Ministers, were the tense energy situation the country is experiencing; its causes; and measures taken to minimize the impact

Granma |
September 13, 2019 14:09:34

To minimize the impact of this conjunctural situation on services for the population, limited resources will be allocated to priority areas, as discussed and approved by the Party Political Bureau, led by its first secretary, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz. Photo: Juvenal Balán

Addressed at length on Cuban television’s Mesa Redonda program, broadcast from Revolution Palace with the participation of Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, President of Cuba’s Councils of State and Ministers, were the tense energy situation the country is experiencing; its causes and bitter roots in the U.S. blockade; and especially measures taken to minimize the negative impact on the national economy and services for the population.

The problem involves only energy, the President said, not other essential supplies.

Ships carrying food are reaching the island, with grains, wheat flour, and other items. This situation obliges us to adopt measures, but the situation is purely conjunctural, he emphasized.

Referring to the aggressive imperialist escalation, Díaz-Canel recalled the words of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, delivered July 26, 2018.

“For us, just like Venezuela and Nicaragua, it is very clear that the blockade is being tightened, and our people must remain alert and ready to respond to any challenge with unity, firmness, optimism, and unwavering confidence in victory.”

The current U.S. administration, reiterated the Cuban President, is increasing its hostile actions against Cuba with the goal of impacting the basic needs of the people and their daily activities, and blaming the government for this. They want to disrupt the social fabric to force political concessions. The ideological subversion continues unabated.

He acknowledged that the aggressive stance against Cuba is also related to the situation in Latin America and the Caribbean, especially in Venezuela.

Recently, he noted, new measures were announced to disrupt Cuba’s access to foreign exchange and prevent the arrival of fuel to the country

These unilateral measures have impacted contracts with shipping companies and some have withdrawn. This has caused a shortage is diesel fuel.

He explained that to minimize the impact of this conjunctural situation on services for the population, he said, limited resources available will be allocated to priority areas, as discussed and approved by the Party Political Bureau led by its first secretary, Army General Raúl Castro Ruz.

The President reiterated that the U.S. has no new plan; that the government´s genocidal, perverse policy continues with the same goal: dishearten the people.

Given the current circumstances, Díaz-Canel emphasized the need to:

÷÷ Think as a country and assure the people´s understanding of the situation

÷÷ Work with courage, remembering that there is beauty in the challenge.

÷÷ Be proactive and think outside the box, proposing solutions with intelligence, creativity, and courage, without lamentations.

÷÷ Act differently. Generate new responses to problems that are not new. Keep the people informed and explain the importance of everyone´s participation.

The President stressed the need to call on all to assume the tasks required to confront the current situation. He added that we must have confidence in youth, and in the case of directors and cadre, said that this is the time to demonstrate convictions with appropriate action.

Strengthening the people’s spirit of resistance, while preventing any criminal behavior and denouncing opportunistic attitudes, are all important, he stated

Díaz-Canel called on the people to assert their control, to ensure that measures are implemented correctly, saying this is a victory for the strategy of thinking as a country, insisting, “On this aspect, there can be no retreat… This is a practice of the Revolution. The country’s development plans must be faced with popular Revolution.”

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