Thursday, September 05, 2019

Japan's Sinister Move
The Japanese authorities are about to bring horrible disaster to the Korean nation and humanity.

Some time ago, Greenpeace disclosed that the Japanese government is planning to release a large quantity of contaminated water into sea, as the capacity of the storage tank of radioactive water at the Fukushima Atomic Power Plant reaches its limit in 2020.

In case Japan discharges over 1 100 000 tons of radioactive water into the sea, even the waters around the Jeju Island will be polluted in a few months and the whole East Sea of Korea in a year, and subsequently the Pacific Ocean as a whole will be reduced into a "dead ocean", causing serious harm to humanity.

This clearly shows the brutal nature peculiar to Japan which does not hesitate to destroy the global ecological environment and victimize mankind for its own interests.

Many countries operate nuclear power plants in the world. But it is only Japan, a barbarous state, that openly announces the discharge of nuclear waste, threatening even the existence of other countries and nations.

As the first victim of nuclear disaster in the world, it has told over and over again about the damage and aftereffects it suffered, whenever opportunity avails itself.

But, the disclosure of Japan's plan for discharging polluted water proves that the Japanese government's outcries over nuclear disaster and its aftereffects are little short of hypocrisy, and that Japan is deeply steeped in gangster-like disposition to harm other countries and nations and even the whole mankind for its own interests.

The first victim that will suffer huge damage caused by Japan's release of radioactive water is none other than the Korean peninsula.

Now, all the Koreans are convulsed with indignation against Japan, a war criminal state which committed heinous crimes against the Korean nation and humanity in the past and is still perpetrating new unethical crimes, far from making an apology and reparation for the past crimes.

Japan is, indeed, the centuries-long sworn enemy that has always remained harmful to the Korean nation.

The Basel Convention effectuated in 1992 and amended and supplemented this year bans dumping harmful wastes out of border in order to protect the environment of the earth.

Japan's plan to discharge contaminated water is an open challenge to the international convention and a crime seriously threatening the existence and security of mankind.

The Korean nation and the international community will never allow Japan to contaminate with nuclear waste the sea, a precious asset common to mankind.


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