Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sudan, Darfur Groups Begin Discussions on the Security Arrangements

Chief Mediator Tut Gatluak speaks to reporters in Juba on 2 April 2020 (ST photo)August 19, 2020

(KHARTOUM) - The South Sudanese chief mediator announced, on Wednesday, the resumption of talks on the security arrangements between the Sudanese government and Darfur armed groups.

"The session of talks that took place this morning between the government delegations and the armed movements discussed many items in the security arrangements, and that there are no major differences between the two parties," said Tut Gatluak.

The meeting discussed the development of the armed forces and how to integrate the forces in addition to the formation of joint forces tasked with maintaining security in Darfur upon the withdrawal of the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur "UNAMID".

The government delegation presented its vision on these issues as the armed groups are expected to reply on Thursday or Friday.

Gatluak expressed hopes that the current round will be decisive, and that a full agreement will be reached on the security arrangements, leading to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

The Sudanese Defence Minister Yassin Ibrahim, who leads the government negotiating team for the security agreement, said that the negotiations are proceeding well,

He affirmed the determination of the two parties to overcome all obstacles and disagreement and praised the cooperation of the rebel negotiating delegation.

"The agreement on security arrangements is the basis for the peace process," he further said.

"The meeting discussed mechanisms for reforming, modernizing and developing the armed forces and other security agencies," he added.

"We made clear to the brothers in the delegation of armed struggle movements that the body responsible for modernizing and developing the armed forces is the Security and Defence Council. Also, we said that the armed movements will participate, through the power-sharing process, in the process of reforming, modernizing and developing the military and security institutions."

The minister stated that the meeting also discussed how to integrate forces, which takes place through mechanisms of verification, classification and arrangement, and training and gathering centres.

He expressed optimism that the negotiation in this file would proceed to its goals and desired results.

For his part, the rapporteur of the rebel negotiating team in the file of security arrangements, Mutassim Ahmed Mohamed expected that the differences will be overcome within the next two days and an agreement on security arrangements will be reached.

Once the security arrangements deal is struck, the parties will review the various parts ahead of the initial signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on 28 August.

It worth mentioning that the current round of talks is dedicated to the sticky point in the security arrangements, as the government and the armed groups had already discussed the issue.

On 17 August, the government and the SPLM-N of Sudanese Revolutionary Front led by Malik Agar initialled an agreement on the security arrangements.


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