Thursday, November 19, 2020

Nationwide Ceremony Held to Honor Ethiopian Defense Force

Ceremony is organized as the Ethiopian Defense Force is reportedly advancing to Mekelle to enforce law against TPLF criminals


November 17, 2020

“I stand in honour of the nation’s Defense Force,” was the motto for the ceremony organized across Ethiopia, except in Tigray region where a war against outlawed TPLF leaders is underway, on Tuesday.

Actors and musicians were in charge of brewing a ceremony. They came up with a less than two minutes ceremonial event to honour the Ethiopian Defense Force.  It was a pervasive ceremony organized in a way to be performed in residential areas, workplaces, and public places. And it happened simultaneously; 11:30 a.m.local time.

Ethiopians in every part of the country pose for a minute putting the right on the left part of the chest. And that was followed by a minute-long clapping to recognize the work that the Defense Force has been doing.

Rallies were reported in dozens of towns across the country. The popular patriotic song of Ethiopia’s famous singer the late Tilahun Gesese, Ethiopia! was electrifying the event.  In Addis Ababa, it was held in the stadium. 

The orchestrated attack on the northern command force of the Defense Force on the night of November 4 has outraged the nation. Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) reportedly carried out the horrifying massacre on the unsuspecting Ethiopian Defense Force and it labeled its action as “a preemptive strike to defend Tigray.”

The army that was massacred was in the Tigray region for more than two decades due to the border conflict with Eritrea and had an active community life in the region.

The attack is seen as, rightly, as an attack on the nation. In the days following November 4, the Ethiopian Defense Force launched a decisive battle against the TPLF taking control of towns after towns. It is currently advancing to Mekelle where the TPLF leaders are believed to be hiding.

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