Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Ethiopian Army Never Attacks Civilian Targets: Ambassador Fistum

June 29, 2021


ADDIS ABABA- Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the United States Fistum Arega said that the Ethiopian Army never attacks civilian targets and it has given utmost care not to harm them whilst carrying out operations.

 In his interview with CNN International Becky Anderson, Ambassador Fistum stated that the government is working hard to review allegations of civilian casualties by last week’s airstrike targeted to remnants of the terrorist TPLF clique that have been engaged to destabilize Tigray State.

Some media’s report about the Ethiopian government committing crime against its own people and the death of civilians at Tigray market place by the airstrike is part of the intensified disinformation campaign perpetuated by some interest groups, he elaborated.

“To put the facts straight, first of all it is the TPLF extremists that started the attack in November and we are having a continuation of what transpired there. So, the government of Ethiopia has responded like any government in the world to stop the terrorists destabilizing our people. The recent attack is also the continuation of the government’s military response to TPLF’s aggression.”

Concerning the presence of Eritrean soldiers in Tigray, the Ambassador said that the terrorist faction had indeed  invited them by launching rocket attacks to Asmara and it did attack on the ground from inside Ethiopia; the Eritreans responded in self-defense.

“Now diplomatic discussion with Eritrea regarding their orderly and diplomatic withdrawal is going on.” Noting dissemination of false information is TPLF’s trademark experience, Fistum highlighted that the global community and corporate media should be aware of its lies about government’s blockage of passage to international humanitarian agencies.

The Ethiopian government ensured unfettered access to international aid agencies operating in Tigray and in some pockets, the TPLF terrorists are blocking aid movements. “The now defunct group is known for the disinformation and sometimes they are done through international media.”

About the two countries bilateral ties, the Ambassador stressed that Ethiopia is always committed to cementing the strategic relations and values the support it has gained so far.

The Ethiopian Herald June 29/2021

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