Saturday, October 30, 2021

Western Media Pushing Africa Stereotypes on Ethiopia

October 29, 2021


ADDIS ABABA– The ongoing western media biased narrative on Ethiopia is aimed at supporting armed rebels, undermining elected government and forcing the stereotype that Africa is destined for war and famine ,so said a Journalist.

CBS Journalist Hermela Aregawi made the above statement during her latest interview with BNC News.

She noted that much of the western media is getting it wrong as the U.S .government had a long time relationship with TPLF who were once a rebels during the communist government and they were backed by the West to come into power for about 27 ending in 2018.

She mentioned that the situation seems that a lot of the western media is supporting the rebels’ narrative because the U.S. wants to support them because that is their way into power.

Emphasizing that the majority of the Ethiopian people have said they do not want that group to be in power and have voted for the current prime minister, she stressed that it would be logical that the U.S. should support the wishes of the majority of Ethiopians as opposed to supporting a rebel group that has been fighting the government as well as the Ethiopian people for the last year.

In contrary to their claim to liberate the Tigray people from the communist regime, she said : “ TPLF has strayed away from its goal revealing that Tigray is still very much poor and there’s not much that they’ve done for the very State itself.”

 She also indicated herself as an outlier among ethnic Tigray people to be able to speak out and say this narrative is not true.

“The narrative that the West continues to weave is we’re so tribalist that we are killing each other when in reality it’s not true.Much many of us are intermarried and much of my family is from different ethnicities and also the western media seems to want to paint the Ethiopian government as this savage government.”

Most recently with the air strikes,the media’s were pushing the narrative that they were targeting civilians when in fact they were targeting military armaments within the TigrayState.So, it just seems to be trying to weave that age-old story  that Africa is just destined to be in war, destined to have famine, as to her.

Despite the fact that the western media has been warning about famine for the last year, they ignored the very things that could lead to famine which is that humanitarian aid has been redirected to war, seven UN officials have been kicked out by the Ethiopian government, two UN whistleblowers have backed this idea that rogue UN officials are actually helping arm the rebel group that is fighting the majority of Ethiopians and the Ethiopian government, she noted.

Thus, she said it is not a genuine effort to actually help the people but to fuel the war that has killed tens of thousands and  displaced millions at this point.

According to her, though some of the politicians that were not a part of starting this war get to the negotiating table and tried to have a diplomatic conversation, the armed rebels have continued to move into other regions and so many people have died, thus she said that it is up to the Ethiopian government to continue to fight them just like any government would and end it militarily.

The narrative that western media is asking the world to believe about Ethiopia is that the government of Ethiopia is genocide of insurrectionist when in reality it is the TPLF that attacked first and the Ethiopian government is only actually fighting them back, as to her.

The Ethiopian Herald October 29/2021

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