Thursday, October 21, 2021

Women Textile Workers Plead to U.S. Government to Save Jobs

October 19, 2021


ADDIS ABABA – Some paid lobbyists that are pushing Biden administration for removal of Ethiopia from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) have to know that their reckless action would put thousands of women’s lives in great danger, said women who work for various textile companies in Hawassa Industrial Park.

Betelhem Mengistu, has been working for the last two years in Hawassa Industrial Park, told The Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that she had been jobless having graduated and later she joined the Park.

First she started working as human resource trainee then assistance and finally she has become a human resource officer. She said, “If Ethiopia is removed from AGOA list, the industrial park workers would be burdens ofthe government as well as their families in the long run. Thus, the U.S. government should see issues seriously since the decision highly affects our lives.”

Another woman who was approached by EPA is Ayalnesh Bawokech. She is working for NASA garment, as human resource officer. She has started her work immediately after graduation.

“I hope the government of the U.S. government won’t be fooled by the lobbyists and will keep allowing Ethiopia to benefit from AGOA,” she said.

 Similarly, Netsanet Sidamo has been working in Hawassa Industrial Park for four years. She had experienced a number of challenging before she joined Epic Company Group of the Industrial Park. She was operator first time then upgraded into leader and now she is serving as Supervisor. “Now I have completed my education and even am helping my parents.”

Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC) Chief Executive Officer Sandokan Debebe on his part said eleven operational industrial parks have employed over 85,000 workers of which, 85 percent are young women. He added, AGOA doesn’t connect with government rather it has something to do with job creation and duty free treatment of the U.S. for poor Africans particularly women as they don’t easily get jobs across the nation.

The Hawassa Industrial Park is one of the parks in the country that has taken the lion’s share of exporting products to international markets it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald October 19/2021

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