Thursday, October 06, 2022

Criminal TPLF: A Loyal Proxy of Ethiopia’s Arch Foes

October 5, 2022


It has become apparent that Terrorist TPLF’s war against Ethiopia is part of the long sought-after smear campaign to weaken the state and install a puppet government in the country. And, TPLF is the Trojan horse of Ethiopia’s longtime foes and special interest groups.

The ongoing hybrid war waged against the country is much more beyond the narrow political interests of the reneged TPLF clique. TPLF is only the instrument of foreign entities who have been striving to meet their interest by stocking violence, and getting the country into a vicious circle of war and conflict. And, the end goal is to have the democratically elected government of Ethiopia swayed into their demands.

The unwarranted pressure and the extreme silence on TPLF’s war crimes also play into this far-fetched and wicked objective. Emboldened by neo-imperialists, financed by Ethiopia’s arch enemies, and turbocharged by its lust for power, the errant TPLF enterprise is engaged in war-mongering acts to destabilize and descend the country into anarchy.

The unholy alliance between the rag-tag TPLF group and paymasters in this regard is nothing but quid-pro-quo. As the unlawful group has been endeavoring to preserve some interest groups residing at home and abroad, some foreign entities have been many a time and oft coming up with layers of conspiracies, remaining tightlipped and parroting TPLF’s stand to whitewash the crimes of the bloodstained group.

Forming coalitions with the disgruntled group, some foreign enterprises have been playing a part in besmirching the positive images of the country and twisting Ethiopia’s arm that cannot happen anytime.

The silence of the global community and the coordinated conspiracy of TPLF and its enablers are encouraging the criminal gang to sustain inflicting crisis and chaos in the country and commit heinous crimes with impunity.

The other thing is that following the misguided policy of some foreign entities and the low-rated international media outlets towards Ethiopia, the criminal organization has continued launching fresh attacks in various parts of the northern part of the country.

Afterward, the criminal organization leaders had been toppled from power, foreign entities have been bankrolling cash, providing training, and equipping the rogue TPLF element.

As things stand at present, regardless of the continued unwarranted pressure and smear campaign against the country from internal and external actors, Ethiopia has been numberless times standing tall and resisting encounters.

On the heels of the nefarious deeds of some foreign bodies going on behind closed doors, the lives of quite a lot of innocent civilians have been claimed to leave many parents childless and helpless.

In a similar vein, for the sake of accomplishing their hidden agenda, some countries at all hours of the day and night have been knowingly or unintentionally taking sides with the Terrorist TPLF group that does not believe in burying the hatchet and living in peace as well as harmony.

Ethiopia has been facing baseless pressure from foreign affiliates on account of the synchronized information warfare that kick-started since the onset of the criminal enterprise’s attack on the Northern Command of the Ethiopian Defense Forces.

Rather than familiarizing all and sundry with barefaced lies that make matter worse, rub salt in the wound, and cause a conflict to become more intense, some foreign agencies for the love of attaining their hidden agenda have been rubbing shoulders with the ragtag group.

It is abundantly clear that instead of bringing the terrorist group to justice, some entities have been putting unjustified pressure on Ethiopia and echoing their baseless accusation of the illegal group, and belittling the positive moves unfolding in every nook and cranny of the country.

Though the criminal syndicates have been intensifying tensions and aggravating rhetoric as a means to attain their veiled purposes, some foreign actors have been sparing no effort to defame the promising moves surfacing across the country.

The wider international community did not utter a single word of condemnation against the evil deeds of the criminal enterprise except giving the cold shoulder to the unflinching stance of the government to make peace happen. Similarly, notwithstanding the fact that a wide range of mayhems has been committed in the northern part of the country, some entities have been working with paid activists and sympathizers aimed at concealing the nefarious deeds of the group.

The sad thing is that merely for the love of putting in place their hidden agenda, some nations have been giving the cold shoulder to the evil deeds of the group that has been exposing to risk the existence of non-combatants. In the present climate, the group that considers itself the emancipator of the people of Tigray has been triggering unspeakable pandemonium.

Although the people of Tigray paid a lot of sacrifices on account of the reckless actions of the rough element, some foreign entities kept on brushing off the existing reality on the ground and perplexing the wider international community.

The war the Terrorist TPLF has waged against the Ethiopian government is a proxy war that is supported by some interest groups who wish to restore the radical clique and preserve their best interests, a renowned historian said.

Speaking to an international media, historian and independent journalist Thomas C. Mountain stated that these interest groups, whether they are in the media, human rights mob, amnesty international, or human rights watch, they are all ‘liars for hire.’

“There is a series of atrocious activities by the criminal group resulting in their own people rebelling against it. In the T-TPLF second offensive, an Australian woman doctor reported on how it was difficult to bury dead bodies in Afar since the outlawed faction looted and destroyed heavy equipment.”

He further highlighted that those interest groups don’t care about the people of Ethiopia. They want to get back their control over the Horn of Africa but the T-TPLF is being destroyed.

“What these interest groups are going to do since the T-TPLF is being destroyed is a good question. Because whenever the terrorist enterprise is destroyed, they jumped in and say ceasefire and negotiation. Give them a chance to rebuild and rearm but the people of Ethiopia are completely fed up.”

Mentioning the Ethiopian government has launched a major food security program where it has been planning massive fields of wheat and it is on the verge of exporting it, the historian stressed that if the Ethiopian Diaspora contribute two % of their income, the nation wouldn’t need all the foreign aid or loans.

Revealing the crocked intentions of the foreign entities, Hermela Aregawi, an independent journalist argued that the sheer lies about Ethiopia with regard to the northern conflict are truly eye-opening experiences for the Horn of Africa (HoA).

Speaking to international media, the Ethiopian-American independent journalist Hermela stated that all the unfounded allegations of mass killing, rape, and others against the Ethiopian and Eritrean governments and their soldiers have been done overnight with no access to the Tigray state.

She added that, in many cases, their sources are Terrorist TPLF activists in the Diaspora as well as the main T-TPLF leaders like Getachew Reda. And also, the way the conflict has been handled by some international organizations, including media outlets and UN agencies is eye-opening for Ethiopians, Eritreans, including the people in the region.

The fake news that has been circulated by these mainstream media is inaccurate, malicious, and intentional, according to Hermela. She also indicated that the Horn has about 200 million people just in that land alone and then a lot of people that live all over the United States and elsewhere.

Many people including her have the perception that the international media outlets were at least trying to tell the truth about different conflicts around the world. “But there were exceptions to that in terms of what we already knew like what happened in Iraq, Libya, and other countries,” she added.

The journalist restated that, in November 2020, the T-TPLF attacked the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) which was in the Tigray, and the group took a lot of arms and killed a lot of soldiers. However, she added, a lot of the mainstream media outlets obscured the fact that the Ethiopian government took an offensive, which was a defensive response to that brutal attack.

As to her, all the international media outlets that have no reporters that work for these outlets are all saying something that is not completely true. “It is hard to believe that. That is how the world works if you were not aware of it before.”

She further explained that when the war started, the mainstream media was saying that the Ethiopian government was trying to kill off ethnic-Tigrayans which did not line up with her experience and with the experience of a lot of people including those who eventually became T-TPLF activists.

The terrorist group was ousted from power in 2018 after six years of struggle of the people, and the officials of the group had retreated to Tigray where they had originated and started galvanizing the people saying ‘we are going to war for the survival of Tigray’, she also indicated.

However, Hermela added, the people of Tigray have been largely poor, and officials of the T-TPLF never cared about these people where they originated from, but now they felt the need to get back into power.


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