Monday, December 05, 2022

Sudanese Stakeholders Sign Political Framework Agreement

The signing of the Political Framework Agreement on December 5, 2022

December 5, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese stakeholders from the military component and the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) on Monday, signed the Political Framework Agreement which to establish a new transitional period.

In accordance with the framework agreement, the signatories agreed to repeal the 2019 constitutional declaration and to review the decisions issued by the military leaders after the October 25, 2021 coup.

In addition, the deal provides that the Transitional Constitution is the supreme law of the state, ending the supremacy of the Juba Peace Agreement.

The agreement reaffirms the establishment of a single professional army and the merger of Rapid Support Forces, prohibiting the military from conducting investment and commercial business except for the military industry.

The signed text reaffirmed the principle of accountability, justice and transitional justice for the war crimes, the attacks on the pro-democracy sit-in and the post-coup killing of protesters.

Based on the principle of the civilian state, the framework agreement provides that the head of state will be the commander-in-chief of the army.

The two-year transition will start with the appointment of the prime minister who will be chosen by the forces of the revolution.

To avoid any confusion as was the case in 2019, the text clearly stipulates that the prime minister will appoint the Director of the General Intelligence Service.

Also, the minister of interior will control all the security forces.

The text acknowledges the plight of the eastern Sudan region and the right to development and political participation.

Concerning the Juba peace agreement, the document reiterated the commitment to implement the Juba peace agreement once it is reviewed.

In addition, the civilian government has to resume talks with the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu based on the declaration of principles of March 2021. The cabinet also has to negotiate the SLM of Abdel Wahid al-Nur.

The transitional government will consist of the legislative council, the head of state entity, and the council of minister independent commissions. The text emphasizes that 40% of the parliament’s seats should be allocated for women’s representation.

The framework agreement provides to develop four pillars before forming the transitional authority within a month.

The four issues that need more development are justice and transitional justice, security reform, the review of the Juba peace agreement and the dismantlement of the al-Bashir regime.

The framework agreement is being developed with broad public participation from the stakeholders and the forces that signed the political declaration and the forces of the revolution on 4 main issues that need more details, namely:

The Justice and Equality Movement (SLM) and Sudan Liberation Movement- Minnawi (SLM-MM) rejected to sign the agreement as they call to maintain the 2019 constitutional document.

Suleiman Sandal, JEM political official called on the Resistance Committees to take to the streets to reject the agreement.


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