Thursday, February 02, 2023

GFTUK Central Committee Holds Enlarged Plenary Meeting

The seventh enlarged plenary meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea was held on January 31 through the video conference system.

It was attended by members and alternate members of the GFTUK Central Committee.

Present there as observers were officials of the GFTUK Central Committee and those of provincial, city and county committees of the GFTUK.

The meeting discussed the issues of thoroughly implementing the decision of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea and others.

Pak In Chol, chairman of the GFTUK Central Committee, made a report.

He said that the decision of the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth WPK Central Committee is an action programme which clarified the way for achieving fresh, drastic development of the Korean-style socialism and an inspiring banner that instills the faith in sure victory in the people.

He analysed and reviewed in detail the successes, experiences, deviations and lessons produced in the work of the GFTUK in 2022 for implementing the decision of the Eighth Congress of the WPK and indicated the ways for making a tangible contribution to opening up a new phase of state development by improving the trade union work in a revolutionary way and giving fullest play to the mental strength of the heroic working class in this significant year.

Speeches were made at the meeting.

A relevant resolution was adopted after making studies of a draft resolution.


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