Friday, July 26, 2024

Ansar Allah Chief Vows More Strikes on Tel Aviv Coming

By Al Mayadeen English

25 Jul 2024 20:19

The leader of Ansar Allah says that Yemen will not be deterred from supporting Gaza no matter the challenges and threats.

The leader of the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement, Mr. Abdul Malik al-Houthi, announced that the Yemeni support front has launched the fifth phase of escalation through the "Yafa to Occupied Yafa" operation, in which the Yemeni armed forces targeted Tel Aviv with a Yafa drone last week.

In a speech delivered on Thursday, Sayyed al-Houthi confirmed that the Israeli occupation "was astonished by the operation and shocked due to the importance of the target that was hit and the long distance the Yemeni-made drone traveled."

He stated that the distance crossed by Yafa exceeded 2,200 km and that it managed to "penetrate all the barriers and defense that the occupation relies on, provided by" countries protecting it.

The Ansar Allah chief emphasized that targeting Tel Aviv, which includes the occupation's most vital facilities, represents "a critical point" that pains the occupation and strikes its "arrogance, and presumption," asserting that hitting it means "there is no safe place left for Israelis in occupied Palestine."

The drone operation "terrified the Israeli occupiers" residing in the area of the strike, Sayyed al-Houthi said.

Regarding Israeli leadership, officials expressed "shock" after the operation, with some even saying openly that "Israel had lost its security and that red lines had been crossed," he continued, adding that an Israeli media outlet warned that the Yafa strike exposed "a serious operational flaw and complete blindness, despite readiness on all fronts".

He added that the "occupation perceived the operation as signaling a new phase in the war, evolving into a multi-front regional conflict. It also introduced a new aerial threat that challenges the capabilities of the Israeli Air Force and the entire military, penetrating through the enemy's technologies and defenses."

Yemen strives to be a serious problem for "Israel"

Additionally, the Ansar Allah leader stated that the occupation "knows the seriousness of the Yemeni people, their armed forces, and their sincere official and popular commitment to support Gaza."

"Israeli media mentioned that the Yemenis proved by hitting Tel Aviv that they represent a serious problem for Israel," he continued, affirming: "This is what we want and strive for."

He highlighted Israeli media's discussion of "the complete shock experienced by the Israeli security establishment after the Yafa operation," adding that "greater shocks are yet to come" for the occupation.

"The occupation admitted that Yemen manufactures advanced weapons to strike the entity and acknowledged the impact of the operations on its economy."

In this context, he stressed that "it is good that the occupation views the Yemeni people and their armed forces as a very serious enemy equipped with modern weapons," affirming that this "indicates the effectiveness of what Yemen is doing."

"We want the role of our people and their armed forces to remain at this level of impact and effectiveness, with significant support for Palestine. We are continuously developing to make our capabilities more effective, more destructive, and more harmful to the enemy."

Yemen will not be deterred

The Ansar Allah leader also discussed the US media coverage of the Yafa operation, stating that the outlets considered the operation "the most dangerous attack disrupting Israel's security" since the Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7.

British media, on the other hand, "expressed astonishment at the ability of the Yemeni drone to penetrate the defensive systems of countries and armies," he added.

Sayyed al-Houth reiterated that the Israeli aggression on Yemen's Hodeidah "will not achieve deterrence to prevent Yemeni operations supporting Gaza. And this is acknowledged.

Israelis "know from experience the determination and steadfastness of the Yemeni army, which is why they see it as an unusual enemy that does not conform to standard deterrence rules," he said.

"[Yemen's] response to the Israeli aggression is coming and inevitable," the Ansar Allah leader said.

Meanwhile, he addressed regional and global reactions to the Israeli attack on Yemen.

Sayyed al-Houthi pointed out the "significant solidarity from Iran, Hezbollah, and Resistance factions in Palestine, Iraq, and Syria," in addition to official solidarity and condemnation of the aggression by "some Arab and Islamic governments."

Regarding the operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea, he confirmed that "the United States failed to prevent them," noting that "the top commander of the US forces in the Middle East confirmed this in a secret message to the Secretary of Defense," Lloyd Austin.

The Israeli occupation "acknowledges that the war in the Gaza Strip is the main driver of support fronts," stressing that "the course of joint Yemeni operations with the Iraqi Resistance will see significant development in the upcoming phase."

The Ansar Allah leader also discussed the signing of an agreement between Palestinian factions in China, asserting that this matter "is very important for enhancing cooperation and facing the enemy, and an advanced step towards ending divisions."

More operations against Tel Aviv

Sayyed al-Houthi commented on the speech given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the US Congres on Wednesday.

Netanyahu's address received more standing ovations than a US President during his 55-minute speech.

"The celebration of Netanyahu is a celebration of criminality, tyranny, and genocide, indicating the level of American involvement in this genocide," the Ansar Allah leader said.

"Netanyahu's speech was troubled, showing the predicament he has reached as well as his aggression and criminality," adding that the speech "was full of lies, denying well-known major facts" that the entire world is witnessing.

On the prime minister's call for Arabs to join "Israel" against Iran, Sayyed al-Houthi questioned the reason behind the hostility toward the Islamic Republic.

"Iran does not seek to rally the Arabs against the Israeli enemy because it is in a position of strength," he mentions.

"Discussing the Abraham Alliance means asking the Arabs to cooperate with the enemy against Palestine, against themselves, and against Muslims, which is foolish talk," Sayyed al-Houthi added.

Meanwhile, the Yemeni leader commented on Netanyahu's complaints regarding the Yafa operation vowing that "more operations targeting Tel Aviv are coming, God willing."

The Resistance remains steadfast

The Ansar Allah leader addressed the difficult humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing Israeli genocide, noting that one of the crimes of the occupation this week is the repeated aggression on the eastern neighborhoods of Khan Younis.

He pointed out that the entity "concentrates its attacks on shelters for displaced Palestinians and areas it designates as 'safe,' which people have fled to for protection."

"The scale of Israeli criminality in Gaza is immense," he said, highlighting the testimony of Western doctors who worked in the strip, who gave testimonies of the deliberate Israeli targeting and killing of children, even with sniper rifles.

"What the occupation is doing in Gaza is criminality, tyranny, barbarity, and brutality," Sayyed al-Houthi added.

However, despite the scale of destruction and continuous bombings, the Resistance "continues to fight valiantly and steadfastly," Ansar Allah chief said.

Regarding the West Bank, the Ansar Allah leader mentioned the ongoing attacks by the occupation of cities, towns, and villages. He added that the occupation intensified its raids and desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyards.

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