Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Moratorium NOW! Coalition To Hold Organizers' Meeting, Saturday, Aug. 8, 2:00pm

For Immediate Release

Media Advisory

Event: Moratorium NOW! Coalition Organizers' Meeting
Date: Saturday, August 8, 2:00pm
Location: 5920 Second Ave. at Antoinette, WSU Campus Area
Sponsors: Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shut-offs
Contact: 313.671.3715 or 887.4344
E-mail: tentcity@peoplessummit.org
URL: http://www.peoplessummit.org

Moratorium NOW! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shut-offs Invites Public to Organizers' Meeting Saturday, August 8 in Detroit

Every month the economic crisis deepens in Detroit and around the state of Michigan. DTE Energy refuses to stop utility shut-offs despite the tragic deaths of four members of the Reed-Owens family on the northwest side of the city.

Plant closing are continuing, breeding more lay-offs, wage/benefit cuts and home losses. The city of Detroit employees and the Public Schools workers are being threatened with salary reductions, termination and the theft of their health care coverage and pension funds.

Have you had enough? If so join with the people who are fighting back. The Moratorium NOW! Coalition has been in the streets to demand "Bail out the people, not the banks and corporations."

Moratorium NOW! and allies organized the People's Summit downtown in June which drew international attention to the economic crisis in Detroit and the nation. We later worked with tenants to stop an illegal eviction at the Wellington Commons Apartments on the west side.

We have fought many illegal foreclosures and kept people in their homes. We have met with DTE Energy to demand they impose a moratorium on utility shut-offs. Moratorium NOW! later picketed DTE to further press for a halt to the dangerous practice of disconnecting essential utility services.

You can get involved in these organizing efforts by attending a meeting this coming Saturday, August 8 beginning at 2:00pm

Representatives of the Moratorium NOW! Coalition can be reached for comment at the numbers above.

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