Monday, October 17, 2011

Message From Rene Gonzalez to the People of Cuba

Havana. October 14, 2011

Message from René González to the people of Cuba

THESE words are for my people, to whom I owe them since the day I left prison. I was not able to send them earlier given the circumstances and the need to ensure a safe journey.

It is difficult, really, to address a people who one loves so much, and of whom one feels a part, via a camera, but I needed to communicate with you and express how grateful we are for everything you have done, to explain that we have felt very much accompanied by the thousands of messages, letters from children, from all the workplaces and schools who have sent their messages from Cuba, for the support that has never failed us and which has nourished us during these years of injustice, already too many.

For me, this moment of joy which we share is, simply, a parenthesis in a history of abuses during which not one iota of justice has been done. The fact that I am now out of prison only means that one avenue of abuse to which I was subjected has been exhausted, but we still have four brothers who we have to rescue and who we need with us, with their families, to be among you giving the best of themselves and not in those places where they are. Places where they get up, wake up every morning, go to a canteen in which they should not be eating, move among people among whom they should not be moving, and we really need to continue moving forward with this struggle to get them out.

For me, this is only a trench, a new place in which I am going to continue fighting for justice to be done so that the Five of us can return together to you.

I want to send special greetings to the families of the other four brothers, who have really moved me with their joy. It is really deeply touching talking by telephone with a person who you know has an imprisoned son, an imprisoned husband, and who welcomes my liberty as if it was the liberty of one of theirs. That really moves me and strengthens my commitment, and we have to go on waging this fight, because they do not deserve to be where they are.

To all my people, to all the people who have accompanied us over the years, who have been thousands, and through whom we have been able, little by little, to break through this information blockade, to break through the silence that the corporate media have created around the case, I extend to you, on behalf of the Five, my most profound gratitude, my commitment to continue representing you as you deserve, which is definitely what we Five are doing, because we are not only Five, we are a whole people who have resisted for 50 years, and it is thanks to that that we are still resisting, because we are inspired by you, because we know that we represent you and will never fail you and will always rise to the heights that you deserve.

An embrace for all of you.

The Five of us love you, from wherever we might be.

Translated by Granma International

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