Sunday, May 26, 2013

Syrian Information Minister Says the Arab League's Role is Destructive

Information Minister: Arab League's Role in Syria Destructive

May 25, 2013

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Information Minister, Omran al-Zoubi, said the Arab League (AL), with Syria's absence from it, is a failing institution that needs to reconsider its political and legal basics.

Answering the reporters' questions, al-Zoubi added that there is no room for the AL in any national cause because it lacks wisdom and sobriety and has overstepped all nationalist principles.

"The honest Arabs in the Arab League are counted on to put an end to the hegemony of political money and terrorism," he said.

The Information Minister affirmed that the Arab League's role in Syria is an unacceptably destructive one, saying that "any attempt to hinder the political solution under the pretext of pushing towards it is an exposed attempt."

Al-Zoubi voiced distrust in some of the AL members, saying that "those whom we don't trust can't play any role neither now nor in the future."

He made clear that the attempts of some Arab regimes to look for a role to play in Syria as "absurd and not possible", stressing that the AL must call off all its decisions against Syria and publically apologize to the Syrian people and government "and only then we can consider it."

He noted that Qatar, by providing funds to the terrorists, has violated the international resolution no. 1373 on combating terrorism, adding that if this decision was to be enforced, then the Qatari money should be put under control and the Qatari government should not be prevented from using the Arab people's money.

H. Said

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