Sunday, May 26, 2013

Syrian President al-Assad Stresses Role of Pan-Arab Parties in Challenging Reactionary Ideologies

President al-Assad Stresses Role of Pan-Arab Parties in Facing Extremist Thinking and Plots

May 24, 2013

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday stressed the important role which the national and pan-Arab parties and forces can play in facing extremist and takfiri thinking and confronting the foreign plots targeting the Arab people.

The President was speaking during a meeting with a Tunisian delegation consisting of representatives of Tunisian parties and political, economic and popular movements, headed by Dr. Shukri Bin Suleiman Harmasi, Secretary General of the Tunisian al-Thawabit (Immutable Principles) Party.

The meeting touched upon the latest developments in Syria and Tunisia and the changes witnessed in the Arab region in general.

In this context, President al-Assad highlighted the necessity of adhering to the Arab principles and identity and the values of Arabism to stand up to the changes witnessed in the Arab arena.

He briefed the Tunisian delegation on the dimensions of the crisis in Syria and the firm Syrian stance on confronting terrorism and its regional and international supporters and on the political solution to the crisis.

For their parts, the delegation members expressed the Tunisian people's solidarity with Syria and their appreciation of the Syrian people's steadfastness and unity with their doctrinated army in the face of the foreign conspiracy and aggression led by Israel some regional countries and the West.

They pointed out that this aggression targets Syria because of its adherence to the option of resistance and commitment to the fundamental Arab causes.

The Tunisian figures described Syria as "the last of the strongholds of Arab nationalism", stressing their confidence that Syria will come out of its crisis victorious under the leadership of President al-Assad.

They said this victory which will be achieved by Syria will be a victory for all the Arabs because Syria is considered "the last line of defense of Arabism and the highest national interests."

The Tunisian delegation members expressed their sorrow and apology for the participation of some misled Tunisians in the fighting in Syria, stressing that the Tunisian people realize the reality of what is taking place in Syria.

They added that the Tunisian people have succeeded to a large extent in reducing the flow of Tunisians towards Syria, noting that many of the Tunisian youth now want to volunteer to fight on the Golan front and stand by their Syrian brothers in the face of the real enemy; that is the Zionist occupation.

President al-Assad talked about the deep brotherly relations binding the Syrian and Tunisian peoples, which were reflected by the Tunisians through the marches which they have staged in support of Syria.

He stressed that the Syrians appreciate the supportive stances of the Tunisian people and look at those Tunisians who were misled to fight in Syria as representing themselves only.

H. Said

Tunisian Figures: Syrian People Defend Arabism on Behalf of the Whole Arab Nation

May 24, 2013

DAMASCUS, SANA_ Tunisian figures said that the Syrian people nowadays are defending Arabism and sacrificing for it on behalf of the whole Arab nation as they were brought up with the Arab values and sacrificing for it.

Secretary General of the Tunisian al-Thawabit (Immutable Principles) Party, Dr. Shukri Bin Suleiman Harmasi, said in an interview with the Syrian TV on Thursday that Syria has always been present in all battles of the Arab nation against the usurper Zionist entity.

Harmasi pointed out that Syria has been able to accomplish self-sufficiency and build infrastructure that most of the Arab countries lack it as Syria is one the few not indebted countries which makes it uncontrolled by the West or the Western economic decision.

For his part, Secretary General of the Movement of Free Unionists, Abdul Karim al-Ghaberi, said that Syria is fighting the Western backed forces of evil, extremism and darkness.

He clarified that the conspiracy against Syria is not new and comes within a series of colonial conspiring against the Arab nation since the emergence of the Arab Nationalist Movement and this was clear from the beginning for all national and pan-Arab forces.

Al-Ghaberi stressed that the enemies of Syria are targeting it to destroy the last line of defending the Arab nationalism, therefore all evil forces are doing their best to achieve that under fake names of change, democracy and human rights.

He said the the resistant axis in the region is targeted to pave the way for the normalization with Israel with the help of Qatar and others after the Qatari Prince was turned into a guard who works to implement the United States' interests.

Al-Ghaberi confirmed that Qatar has become a dangerous threat to Arab national security because it is providing terrorists with money in cooperation with Turkey.

In turn, member of the Executive Committee of the Popular Coordination Committee for Syria's Support, Abdel Fattah bin Bashir Kahouli, said that attempts to weaken Syria, its role and position is a priority in the Zionist-American plot planned to the region.


Tunisian Delegation Members Donate Blood to Injured Syrian Soldiers

May 24, 2013

DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Members of the Tunisian delegation representing popular parties on Friday donated blood to the injured soldiers of the Syrian army in expression of their appreciation of the soldiers' sacrifices in defense of Syria.

The delegation members, who are on a visit to Syria which started few days ago, visited the injured army members at Martyr Yousef al-Azmeh Hospital in Damascus and voiced their solidarity with Syria and its army in their battle against terrorism and extremism.

"The Arab people in all the Arab states bow in appreciation of the Syrians' sacrifices in the face of the war that is targeting the entire nation," the Tunisian figures said.

They reaffirmed their confidence that the Syrian people and army will defeat the conspiracy and overcome the crisis their country is currently going through.

Secretary General of the Tunisian al-Thawabit Party, Shukri Harmasi, said in a statement to SANA that the Syrian army's sacrifices "set a model of commitment to defending the homeland, the people and the grand causes for all of the Arab peoples."

He hailed the approach which Syria has followed in defense of the Arab causes, on top is the Palestinian cause.

The Tunisian delegation includes representatives of several parties and political and popular movements, in addition to political and law activists.

H. Said

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