Friday, August 09, 2013

Electricity Bills to be Scrapped, Says Zimbabwe Vice-President

Electricity bills to be scrapped: VP Mujuru

August 9, 2013
Herald Reporter

The Zanu-PF Government will be seized with improving the quality of life of ordinary citizens throughout the country, Vice-President Joice Mujuru has said.

VP Mujuru gave assurances at a fundraising dinner for the Simon Chimbetu Primary School in Harare on Wednesday that her party, which won convincingly the just-ended poll, would create suitable conditions for those who want to prosper and earn a higher standard of living.

“The people’s desire for a better life is what we shall fight for. We are going to create jobs and conditions which will enrich people for good and with a traceable record. If you don’t make money in the next five years, then it will be your own shortcomings,” she said.

She said Zanu-PF would strive to fulfil promises it made to the people in the run-up to the July 31 harmonised elections in which it emerged triumphant.

“Zimbabweans want to live a better life and I can assure you that we are going to create conducive conditions to help them realise that dream,” VP Mujuru said.

The VP allayed fears that the government will re-introduce the Zim dollar immediately.

“If you look at the Zanu-PF manifesto, it is clearly spelt out that the return of the local currency will be done at a later time.

“This time we want people to have real jobs and not resort to thieving,” she said.

VP Mujuru castigated people who were peddling falsehoods to trigger pessimism and ferment despondency after Zanu-PF effectively neutralised its main rival MDC-T by wining the harmonised election.

She said there was no turning back on the slashing of rates for struggling residents as promised by President Mugabe last month.

“Do not enjoy inflicting pain to those who experienced pain before because we have not had time to relax since the country attained independence,” she said.

“Some say the scrapping of debts which was mentioned before the polls was a lie, but be rest assured that even those who did not vote for Zanu-PF are going to have their bills slashed. We do not want a country that is famed for gossiping and saying things which portray the country negatively.”

VP Mujuru said that electricity bills would also be scrapped.

“Nyika ino hatisati tanyatsowana kudekara since Independence. Ndozviri kutamburirwa navaMugabe. Musanyare zvenyu kuti muno muHarare hamuna kunyatsoitwa zvakanaka zveZanu-PF aiwa. Tiri kungokudai zvakadaro. Kana zvatinogadzira izvozvo, nyangwe nemagetsi acho nemunhu wacho asina kuvhotera Zanu-PF anongobvisirwa futi magetsi acho iwayo, nemvura yacho zvakadaro nokuti ndiyo Zimbabwe yacho.

“Ndokunaka kwacho,” she said.

She urged Zimbabweans to stand firm and remain positive in the wake of rumours doing rounds on fuel hikes and unfounded statements about the return of the Zim dollar and reintroduction of the South African visas for Zimbabweans. She thanked Zimbabweans for voting overwhelmingly for Zanu-PF and for entrusting their future under the leadership of the President, a revered leader with worldwide acclaim.

“We have not had enough time to thank everyone and we will thank everyone in the best possible way we can. Chimbetu’s party won elections and this victory is dedicated to heroes who died before and after him.

“As parents we expect future generations to continue with legacies we leave,” she said.

VP Mujuru hailed the Chimbetu family for establishing the Simon Chimbetu School in Chegutu to promote the country’s education system. She said the establishment of the school was in line with Government’s desire to continuously improve the education sector for the benefit of future generations.

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