Friday, August 09, 2013

Zimbabwe's Future is Bright, Says Vice-President Mujuru

Zim future bright: Mujuru

August 8, 2013
Farai Kuvirimirwa Herald Reporter

Zimbabweans should anticipate having a prosperous life and enrich themselves in abundance for the next five years, Vice President Joice Mujuru has said.

Addressing guests at the fundraising dinner for the Simon Chimbetu Primary School in Harare on Wednesday, Vice President Mujuru said Zanu PF resoundingly won the recently held harmonised elections and it is now time promises availed in the party’s manifesto and campaigns turn into fruition.

“If you look at the Zanu PF manifesto, it is clearly spelt out that the return of the local currency will be done at a later time. This time we want people to have real jobs and not resort to thieving.

“We are going to create jobs which will enrich people for good and with a traceable record. If you don’t make money in the next five years you will not make it,” she said.

VP Mujuru castigated people who have been peddle falsehoods and triggered pessimism after it was announced Zanu PF had won the Presidential, parliamentary and council elections.

She said there was no turning back on the slashing of tariffs that was initiated by President Mugabe last month.

“Do not enjoy inflicting pain to those who experienced pain before because we have not had time to relax since the country attained independence. President has been striving for a good life for everyone, you might complain little has been done in Harare but we want you all despite that.

“The African pride should be shown by how we behave and appreciation on what we do. There is no need for one to be scared as shown by what has been said such as petrol price increases, early local currency return and re-introduction of the South African visas for Zimbabweans.

“Some say scrapping of tariffs which was mentioned before polls was a lie, but rest assured that even those who did not vote for Zanu-PF are going to have bills slashed. We do not want a country that is famed for gossiping and saying things which portray the country negatively,” VP Mujuru said.

She urged people who were in the habit of using the President’s office to achieve their own goals to desist from doing so which she said was against the party’s wish for people to live in harmony.

She thanked Zimbabweans for having trust in Zanu PF and entrusting their future under the leadership of the President in the next five years.

“We have not had enough time to thank everyone and we will thank everyone in the best possible way we can. Chimbetu’s party won elections and this victory is dedicated to heroes who died before and after him.

“As parents we expect future generations to continue with legacies we leave,” she said.

VP Mujuru thanked the Chimbetu family for establishing the Simon Chimbetu School in Chegutu which she says lessens the burden on the national fiscus.

She said the establishment of the school was in line with Government’s desire to continuously improve the education sector for the benefit of future generations.

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