Friday, December 13, 2013

Al-Shabaab Attacks Somalia Federal Government Positions in Baidoa

Garowe Online (Garowe)

Somalia: 10 Killed in Hiraan Clan Fighting, Al Shabaab Attacks Baidoa

12 DECEMBER 2013

Beledweyne — At least ten people were reportedly killed and 15 others were wounded in heavy clan fighting that occurred in Kabhan-ley vicinity which lies about 40 km north of Hiraan regional capital of Beledweyne as Al Shabaab militants poured into Baidoa according to residents, Garowe Online reports.

The fighting raged between two fraternal clans and witnesses reported that armed militias from the opposing sides set houses on fire on Thursday when the clashes started with machine guns.

Ahmed Mohamed Khalif, director of Beledweyne General Hospital said that they have received 9 people who are sustaining both major and minor injuries to their bodies.

"Two persons are heavy and they are now getting surgical treatment but the other people are sustaining fractures to their necks, hands and legs," added Khalif.

Agricultural lands in Kabhan-ley and Deefow areas of central Somalia are said to have sparked the deadly conflicts and ceasefire arrangements which were reached by the two clans remain foiled.

Meanwhile in Baidoa, the provincial capital of Bay region in southern Somalia residents said suspected Al Shabaab militants attacked buildings housing Somali Federal Government officials.

Baidoa resident, Ali Madey told Garowe Online that men chanting 'religious sermons' poured into his neighborhood by firing live ammunition at pre-planned targets.

"The town witnesses heavy fighting, I heard gunfire and the attackers were chanting religious sermons," he said via telephone from Baidoa.

Local reports confirm that the militants attacked a hotel housing former TFG parliament speaker and Federal Member of parliament Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan and Baidoa mayor residence.

Baidoa is hosting a convention aimed to push the locals into autonomy under Provision Federal Constitution (PFC) of Somalia.]

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