Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mourners Condemn Killing of Taxi Driver in Egypt

Mourners condemn taxi driver 'lynching' by Brotherhood supporters

Ahram Online, Tuesday 17 Dec 2013

Mohamed Osman was stabbed to death at a pro-Morsi protest in Mansoura on Monday amid accusations he tried to run over protesters in his taxi

Thousands of mourners at the funeral of a man killed by Muslim Brotherhood supporters have chanted against the group and called for retribution, Al-Ahram's Arabic news website reported.

Mohamed Osman, 32, was stabbed to death on Monday while driving his taxi through a rally in support of former Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in the Nile Delta city of Mansoura.

The Brotherhood-aligned Rasd news website said Osman's taxi was set on fire after he sped into the rally, injuring a woman who had to be hospitalised. Rasd posted a video allegedly showing the injured woman.

While Rasd did not mention Osman's killing, reports in anti-Brotherhood newspapers did not mention Osman ploughing through the crowd.

The coroner's report said Osman died of a deep stab wound to the chest. He also suffered several shallower wounds to his back and neck.

The interior ministry said it had arrested nine suspects and was investigating the murder.

Public executions have occurred sporadically in Egypt amid a security vacuum since the ouster of president Hosni Mubarak in early 2011.

Since the removal of Mohamed Morsi in July, the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters have been staging regular demonstrations against what they say call a military coup, demanding Morsi's reinstatement.

The Brotherhood has been active on university campuses, recently staging daily "anti-coup" student protests, some escalating into violent clashes.

Pro-Morsi protests, however, have become smaller amid a crackdown on the Brotherhood's leadership.

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