Saturday, December 14, 2013

Sudan's Presidential Assistant Starts Post On Positive Note


Sudan’s new presidential assistant starts job on positive note

December 13, 2013 (KHARTOUM) - Ibrahim Ghandour, who this week assumed the posts of presidential assistant and vice Chairman of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP), offered an unusual praise by a Sudanese official of opposition leaders.

The NCP’s new presidential assistant, Ibrahim Ghandour, has made a series of positive remarks towards opposition leaders
Ghandour who was interviewed by Omdurman state radio, described the head of the National Umma Party (NUP) Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi as a "patriot" and a "wise man" who tends to adopt very balanced positions.

"The NUP and Imam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi in particular, deserves praise because he criticizes the government when he sees something wrong, but does not hesitate to commend any positive step taken by the government," Ghandour said.

He disclosed that Al-Mahdi and president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir agreed in their last meeting on issues that should be considered national and not partisan such as media, peace and economy.

He also had positive view of the Popular Congress Party (PCP) led by Hassan Al-Turabi who he said has significant contributions and is respected locally and internationally.

The NCP official noted the PCP’s rejection of changing government by force and its adherence to the concept of governing Sudan through Islamic Shar’ia law.

Ghandour expressed hope that the PCP’s readiness for dialogue with NCP could result in holding talks between the two sides.

He called on all political forces to agree on dialogue in "open air and not behind closed doors" adding that there is near consensus from all sides on major issues like presidential government system, Islamic Shar’ia law and free market economy.

The presidential assistant added that media organs should be responsible for managing the dialogue he proposed that would be accessible to all people.

Ghandour’s remarks mark a stark difference from his predecessor Nafie Ali Nafie who was better known for his fierce and near non-stop attacks on opposition forces.


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