Sunday, December 15, 2013

Unity of Purpose at Celebratory Indaba in Zimbabwe

Unity of purpose at celebratory indaba

Sunday, 15 December 2013 00:00
Lincoln Towindo and Tinashe Farawo in CHINHOYI
Zimbabwe Sunday Mail

There is something enchanting about zanu-PF’s regenerative and resilient aura. This mysterious ability to conjure up seemingly impossible comebacks and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat has, for decades,

been indelibly ingrained into the revolutionary party’s DNA.

After such comeback victories there comes a time to make merry, celebrate and think long and hard about how to remain at the top.

Last week’s Zanu-PF 14th Annual National People’s Conference presented such an opportunity after the party achieved yet another comeback election victory.

At the two-day indaba held in the historic town of Chinhoyi the party celebrated, caucused and strategised.ism and disunity that reached a crescendo during the recently concluded intra-party elections, which some expected to play out at the Conference, were soon forgotten as the delegates, and indeed the party’s senior leadership, displayed unity of purpose.

The Conference laid bare the undying spirit of unity that the party has employed so well over decades gone by.

Running under the theme “Zim Asset: Growing the Economy for Empowerment and Employment”, the Conference was both celebratory and an occasion for planning.

Describing the indaba as “celebratory”, national chairman Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo said the event presented an opportunity to take stock of the party’s achievements as well as plan ahead.

“This 14th National People’s Conference is celebratory as it comes on the backdrop of our party’s massive victory in the 2013 harmonised elections, held precisely on July 31 2013,” he said while addressing delegates.

“We are certainly celebrating a people’s victory whose outcome will have political and economic bearings on generations to come.” But it was the verve and the highly-charged environment that engulfed the massive conference centre which summed up what the July 31 election victory meant to the ordinary man.

“This was our victory, it was the people’s victory, which did not come easily,” said Cde Mezaya Matuke from Masvingo.

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