Monday, December 16, 2013

ZANU-PF 14th Annual Conference Resolutions

Zanu-PF 14th Annual Conference resolutions

December 16, 2013 Opinion & Analysis

Zanu-PF delegates celebrated during the closing ceremony of the 14th Annual National People’s Conference in Chinhoyi on Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF) held its 14th National People’s Conference in Mashonaland West Province at Chinhoyi University of Technology from 10th – 14th December 2013 under the theme, “ZIM ASSET: Growing the Economy for Empowerment and Employment”. The Conference was officially opened by the Party’s President and First Secretary Cde R.G. Mugabe.

Delegates to the Conference were drawn from the level of District Executives upwards, from each of the Party’s 10 Provinces with each district sending one delegate. Also in attendance were representatives of Zanu-PF’s Johannesburg and UK Branches.

Altogether a total of 4 326 Party delegates attended the Conference.

Invitations to sister liberation movements and other affiliated external organisations were not extended for the Conference as they were reserved for the Party’s 6th National People’s Congress to be held next year in Harare. The Conference received solidarity messages from Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, Zimbabwe Ex-Political Prisoners, Detainees and Restrictees Association, Zimbabwe Congress of Students Union, Zimbabwe Women on a Mission Trust, Indigenous Business Development Centre and Zanu-PF Branches in Johannesburg, South Africa and the UK.

1. State of the Party

a. Emboldened by the historic and emphatic electoral mandate given to the President and First Secretary, Cde RG Mugabe who garnered a commanding 61 percent of the Presidential vote, and the party which got more than two-thirds of the Parliamentary seats and the majority of local authorities respectively in the Harmonised General Election held on 31st July 2013;

b. Reaffirming the party’s unwavering revolutionary commitment to the full realisation of the ideals and values of Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle which include but are not limited to sovereignty, independence, freedom, dignity, social justice, human rights, economic empowerment, unity, peace and development as well as solidarity with our neighbours;

c. Aware of the continuation of illegal sanctions imposed against Zimbabweans by Western imperialist countries whose machinations include seeking to divide the Party under the damaging cover of factionalism as the latest face of their regime-change tactics;

d. Driven by the revolutionary imperative to foster and enhance ideological cohesion and the unity of purpose as the vanguard bedrock of the party;

e. Recognising that Zanu-PF belongs to the people and, as such, puts the people first;

f. Noting that leaders in the party at all levels and across all structures are answerable to the membership of the party in terms of the party’s Constitution;

g. Reasserting the supremacy of the party over its Government;

h. Applauding the Government for adopting Zim-Asset to implement the party’s 2013 Election Manifesto whose theme was “Indigenise, Empower, Develop and Create Employment”, thus evoking the revolutionary call that “Iwe neni tine basa/Wena lami silomsebenzi”;

i. Mindful of the constitutional duties, obligations and rights of each and every member of the party;

Now therefore, the Conference resolved:

1. To congratulate the President and First Secretary, Cde R.G. Mugabe for leading the party to a thunderous and resounding victory in the harmonised elections held on the 31st of July 2013, which victory has made us regain our dignity and brought to an end the unworkable and awkward so-called Inclusive Government.

2. To express profound gratitude to the people of Zimbabwe for reposing their trust in Zanu-PF and our leader the President and First Secretary Cde R.G. Mugabe.

3. To commend the President and First Secretary, Cde RG Mugabe, the Party and the people of Zimbabwe for ensuring that the constitution-making process yielded a new Constitution that preserves the revolutionary values, ideals and ethos that entrench the irreversibility of the Land Reform Programme.

4. To set up a stand-alone, professional, credible and well-resourced Party Elections Directorate to conduct all internal elections so as to ensure transparency and credibility of the process in order to deepen and widen the party’s long-established democratic culture and practice.

5. To develop more comprehensive and clear rules, regulations and guidelines governing all the party’s internal elections and the nomination of party candidates to various elective organs.

6. To revive and strengthen its cadreship development policy, including structured and compulsory ideological programmes, for nurturing a broad human resources-base for deployment by the party into critical, strategic positions in both the party and Government.

7. To commend Government for translating the party manifesto into the Zim-Asset economic blueprint and for taking measures to widely disseminate the blueprint through public and grassroots awareness programmes to facilitate the active participation of all communities and interested parties.

8. To prioritise the strengthening and capacitation of the National Commissariat Department in order to increase its efficiency and effectiveness in the implementation of the party constitution, programmes and activities.

9. That the party maintains the spirit of unity and puts in place deterrent penalties for perpetrators of factionalism, tribalism and similar vices that seek the selfish advancement of individual and group interests at the expense of party cohesion.

10. To exhort party cadres to remain forever vigilant against the uncanny machinations by the Western imperialists through factionalism and other divisive stratagems as new regime change tools.

11. That both the party and Government should implement zero tolerance against corruption in all spheres of public and private life.

12. That Government should take concrete measures, including making available requisite funding, to support the sanctions litigation instituted by the Attorney-General in Brussels against the EU.

II. Food Security and Nutrition

a. Recognising the strategic importance of food security as a sine qua non of Zimbabwe’s socio-economic transformation;

b. Noting the significance of nutrition as a prerequisite of a healthy and economically productive society;

c. Concerned about the persistence of grain deficits experienced in recent agricultural seasons and the negative consequences thereof on the economy;

d. Alarmed by the high number of children dropping out of school or failing to effectively cope with their study programs because of lack of food caused by the current grain deficit;

e. Further alarmed by the high food-import bill with respect to grain in particular and the opportunity cost thereof;

f. Acknowledging the need to create a self-sufficient and food surplus economy to restore Zimbabwe’s standing as Southern Africa’s “bread basket”;

g. Determined to provide an enabling environment for sustainable economic empowerment and social transformation to build a prosperous, diverse and competitive food security and nutrition;

Now therefore, the Conference resolved:

1. To urge Government and other well-wishers to continue to support the successful agricultural support initiatives by the President and First Secretary Cde R.G. Mugabe, such as the livestock drought mitigation programme and the Presidential Inputs Support Scheme, which have benefited the generality of people.

2. That Government should improve and enhance policy mechanisms for ensuring sustainable funding for agriculture to guarantee food and nutrition security in the country.

3. To facilitate through Parliament the streamlining and improvement of enabling legal and policy frameworks in agriculture, food and nutrition sectors.

4. To instruct Government to ensure that food relief is available and reaches the vulnerable and needy communities throughout the country.

5. That the party should initiate the establishment of an Agriculture Commodity Exchange that should provide a vibrant market to drive the agriculture sector.

6. To commend the ongoing initiatives by the Party to increase the national herd through the Community-Based Cattle Herd Rebuilding intervention and to expand the programme to all the country’s districts.

7. To urge Government to expedite the recapitalisation of Agribank under Zim-Asset to enable it to offer concessionary funding facilities to A2 farmers. To exhort relevant ministries in Government to widen the sources of agriculture financing beyond and in addition to current contract farming structures.

8. To urge Government to prioritise the development of water harvesting systems to increase the production of food crops.

9. That the party should initiate the passing of legislation to prevent veldt fires and ensure sustainable use and management of the natural environment.

III. Social Services and Poverty Eradication

a. Appreciating the strategic value of the country’s social infrastructure such as education, health, transport, safety and security facilities;

b. Concerned about the deterioration in the quality of public infrastructure for social services;

c. Troubled by the increasing levels of poverty, especially among vulnerable groups;

d. Appalled by the near collapse of the public service delivery system in the country;

e. Deploring the destructive effects of the illegal and unjustified economic sanctions on service delivery and social infrastructure;

f. Disturbed by the increasing and alarming carnage on the roads, especially at night as a result of stray livestock;

g. Committed to finding solutions to reverse massive skills flight experienced over the last decade;

h. Determined to reduce the housing backlog in urban areas and to provide requisite social infrastructure in newly resettled areas;

i. Ready to use Zim-Asset to empower and create employment as a strategy for poverty eradication;

Now therefore the Conference resolved:

1. To urge Government to improve the living standards of the citizenry for an empowered society and a growing economy.

2. That local authorities should be capacitated so that they can effectively and efficiently provide clean water, sanitation and other services in their communities.

3. That the party should initiate policies that provide social protection to vulnerable groups.

4. To urge Government to avail research funding into traditional agricultural crops, especially small grains.

5. To facilitate the provision of land for housing throughout the country.

6. To urge the Government to intensify the rehabilitation of basic infrastructure at referral provincial and district hospitals and health institutions as well as to ensure constant availability of essential drugs and medicines.

7. That Government should promote human capital development that is based on quality and relevance.

8. That Government implements the recommendations of the 1999 Nziramasanga Commission on Education related to the incorporation of psycho-motor skills development at all levels of the education system.

9. That Government increases education support to most vulnerable children through the basic education assistance programme whose disbursement to beneficiaries should be timely.

10. To urge Government to develop appropriate ICT solutions that address developmental needs of the country.

11. To commend the party’s decision adopted by the Government that no civil servant should be paid a salary that is below the poverty datum line (PDL).

IV. Infrastructure and Utilities

a. Acknowledging that it is not possible for any country to embark on a sustainable socioeconomic transformation while relying on poor infrastructure and utilities or economic enablers;

b. Aware of the dilapidated state of the country’s physical infrastructure in both urban and rural areas; in terms of key economic enablers such as energy, roads, dams, irrigation systems, national airline and national railways and the urgent need for the refurbishment and expansion of this infrastructure;

c. Recognising the vital importance of power and energy as a fundamental economic enabler in the country’s socio-economic transformation;

d. Noting the need for new irrigation and water supply systems arising from the reality of climate change and the concomitant recurrence of droughts;

e. Accepting that the country presently has limited financial resources at its disposal to address the current national power deficit;

Now therefore the Conference resolved:

1. To prioritise the importance of power and energy to the economy and urged the Government to avail financial resources to address the current national power deficit and to facilitate the development of simplified infrastructure and utilities procurement procedures.

2. That Government should promote and construct infrastructure for the provision of solar energy.

3. To ensure that irrigation and water supply systems are revamped and that the national dam construction programme is enabled as a matter of urgency.

3. That Government should accelerate the construction and repairs of all forms of transportation infrastructure.

4. To urge ICT service especially mobile networks and broadcasters, to share infrastructure on a mutually beneficial basis to enhance communication and facilitate economic development.

5. That Government promotes appropriate funding arrangements such as public private partnerships (PPPs), for infrastructure rehabilitation and development and create empowerment and employment opportunities to grow the economy.

6. To urge Government to accelerate the implementation of e-Government in order to improve services delivery within and among ministries as well as with industry and the citizens at large in fulfillment of Zim-Asset.

V. Value Addition and Beneficiation

a. Reconfirming the sovereign right of Zimbabweans to fully own, control and exploit their God-given natural resources and economic endowments;

b. Recognising that the export of unprocessed natural resources such as minerals and raw agricultural products results not only in the loss of export earnings but is also tantamount to exporting jobs;

c. Noting that a key and strategic thrust of Zim-Asset is to add value to minerals and agricultural outputs produced in Zimbabwe by processing them in the country to grow the economy for empowerment and employment;

d. Acknowledging that the implementation of value addition and beneficiation strategies requires a set of measures and incentives to attract requisite investment;

Now therefore the Conference resolved:

1. That the Mines and Minerals Act should be amended to make it more responsive to the indigenisation, empowerment and employment creation agenda.

2. To rationalise the number of players in the diamond mining sector to promote efficiency and transparency.

3. To instruct Government to direct the establishment of refineries forthwith to prevent the exportation of raw minerals.

4. That Government strengthens the accountability of players in the diamond industry and ensures the availability of raw diamonds for cutting and polishing by locals.

5. That Government should immediately incorporate small-scale and artisanal miners into the availability of raw diamonds for cutting and polishing by locals.

6. That Government should immediately incorporate small scale and artisanal miners into the main stream mining sector and put in place measures to prevent the illegal sale and export of minerals.

7. To promote the expansion of programmes which increase productivity and encourage value addition of primary agricultural products such as cotton, honey, vegetables and fruits, among others.

8. That Government should immediately establish Special Economic Zones to spur the resuscitation and revival of industry, for example by designating Bulawayo as a textile Special Economic Zone and the Great Dyke as a Metallurgical Special Economic Zone.

9. To prioritise the operationalisation of New ZimSteel and engage co-operating partners in the establishment of an additional steel production plant.

10. To urge Government to promote the establishment of new community-based tourism initiatives as a vehicles, especially, for the empowerment of women, youth and the physically challenged.

VI Women’s Affairs

a. Noting that women make up 52 percent of the population and thus play a frontline role in the country’s politics, economy and cultural fabric;

b. Recognising the role of women as the bedrock of our society and the pivots of socioeconomic transformation at the centre of Zim-Asset;

c. Inspired by the vanguard role that the party is playing in leading the empowerment of women in pursuit of gender equality across all political, legislative, institutional, business and socioeconomic spheres;

d. Perturbed by the growing incidents of gender-based violence against women, especially exemplified by the unprecedented spate of rape cases including horrific sexual assaults against children;

e. Buoyed by the significant increase of representation of women in Parliament from 18 to 34 percent made possible by the party’s determined intervention during the making of Zimbabwe’s new Constitution which has laid a solid foundation from which to more vigorously press for greater representation of women in all decision-making positions;

Now therefore, Conference resolves;

1. That the party timeously provides women, through the Department of Women’s Affairs, adequate and appropriate resources for their mobilization, empowerment and employment creation programmes.

2. That the party moves urgently to realign its Constitution with provisions of the New Constitution of Zimbabwe relating women’s rights, with particular reference to gender equality and ensures that women are included in all committees of the party.

3. That Government should involve women in the ongoing indigenisation, empowerment and employment creation programmes including Community Trust Ownership schemes.

4. To commend women for the establishment of community banks and urges them to cascade them down to party district and the grassroots.

5. That the Party must ensure that women, children and vulnerable groups directly benefit from all party and Government programmes.

6. To urge Government to provide affordable health services which incorporate maternity care, reproductive health, subsidized cancer treatment and screening as well as provision of ARVs.

7. That Government imposes punitive penalties to curb the alarming increase of perpetrators of rape and sexual abuse and further provide therapy for the victims.

VII. Youth Affairs

a. Noting that according to the latest census results officially released in November 2013, the youth constitute not only the majority of the population but also the majority of the electorate and thus play a pivotal role in the country’s politics and economy;

b. Concerned that despite their majority status and strategic position in the economy and the country’s political landscape, the Youth remain marginalised;

c. Further concerned that resolutions of previous conferences on youth issues have not been implemented as expected;

d. Recognising the vanguard role of the youth in the party;

e. Acknowledging that the position of the youth as the country’s future leaders requires that they be prepared through empowerment and employment opportunities to participate in the economy, today;

f. Further acknowledging that the success of Zim-Asset as a transformational economic blueprint hinges on the involvement and full participation of the Youth;

g. Applauding the launch in 2013 of the Revised National Youth Policy by the Party’s President and First Secretary, Cde R.G. Mugabe;

Now therefore, the Conference resolved:

1. To urge Government to enhance the implementation of the Revised National Youth Policy through the relevant ministry and stakeholders.

2. To increase the level of youth participation in the economy and avail resources to support their participation in indigenisation, empowerment and employment creation initiatives.

3. To direct all structures of the party to prioritise youth empowerment and employment creation programmes and activities at grassroots level, in line with Zim-Asset.

4. That the party should deliberately seek to ensure that the youth are ideologically equipped and capacitated to be actively involved in decision-making processes, in all spheres affecting their lives.

5. That Government should purposefully open up opportunities for youths by funding and facilitating their education, training and development to enable them to effectively participate in the development of the country.

Viii. Sports, Culture, Religion and the Liberation War Heritage

a. Reaffirming Zimbabwe’s right to the defence, promotion and projection of its cultural heritage as the fountain of the country’s socio-economic transformation envisaged under Zim-Asset;

b. Acknowledging Zimbabwe’s diverse religious, traditional, cultural and linguistic backgrounds as roots of a unitary state whose independence and freedom are permanent gains of the heroic liberation struggle led by the party;

c. Reassured by the inclusion of the ideals and values of the liberation struggle as a founding principle and value of the new Constitution;

d. Concerned about the toxic influences of Westernisation and cultural imperialism whose harmful narrative disguises itself as universalism and modernisation;

e. Recognising the pivotal role of traditional chiefs as the custodians of Zimbabwe’s cultural heritage and moral values;

f. Mindful of the critical importance of sports as instruments for social cohesion, national unity, stability and recreation;

Now therefore the Conference resolved:

1. That Government must be at the forefront of creating an interface between schools and professional sports club, giving school children access to top quality professional training, while in and after leaving school.

2. To urge Government to create policies that necessitate professional clubs to develop young talent and provide a platform for social sporting development.

3. That Government supports, avails resources and ensures good governance and accountability by all sporting mother bodies, for example Zimbabwe Cricket, Zifa, etc.

4. To urge Government to introduce multiple sporting disciplines in schools, especially in marginalised areas.

5. That Government undertakes programmes to assist in the awareness and preservation of historical heritage sites.

6. To urge the funding of artists through Graduate Entrepreneurship and Employment Program (GEEP) as an empowerment tool.

7. That Government should enforce the Copyright Law to safeguard the intellectual property rights of artistes, curb piracy and ensure that the artistes are able to eke out a decent living from the sale of their creative work.

8. To urge Zimbabweans to respect and uphold the role of traditional institutions as enshrined in the New Constitution.

9. To congratulate the Party for ensuring that the New Constitution criminalises taboo practices such as homosexuality and same-sex marriages, as well as the abuse of children and women for ritual purposes.

10. To commend the entrenchment of religious freedom as enshrined in the new Constitution.

11. That the Party should timeously address the challenges and issues that affect the veterans of the liberation struggle.

12. To urge Government to timeously improve, expand and distribute the social safety-nets for war veterans.

13. That the Government should scale up and widen empowerment and employment opportunities for veterans of the liberation struggle.

IX. Conclusion

a. Having met in Chinhoyi, the site of the epic Chinhoyi Battle of 28 April 1966, that ignited the fires of our heroic armed struggle that marked the Second Chimurenga, against the backdrop of a thunderous and resounding victory that dealt an eternal blow to the architects of regime change and their running dogs;

b. Grateful for the support and solidarity extended to our country by the Sadc community, African Union, Non-Aligned Movement and other progressive regions, countries and organisations;

c. Indebted to the Zimbabwe Defence and National Security Services for their sterling and professional roles in maintaining stability and defending our national sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as significantly contributing to peacekeeping and peacemaking missions around the world under the auspices of the United Nations;

d. Calling on the party to remain vigilant and steadfast in light of the continuing intrigues and sinister agendas by imperialist forces bent on destabilising developing countries;

Now therefore Conference,

1. Commits itself to supporting the full implementation of Zim-Asset with the exhortation that “Zim-Asset: Iwe neni tine basa/mina lawe silom’sebenzi”.

2. Calls on all party leaders and members to rally behind our President and First Secretary, Cde R.G. Mugabe who was only recently given a historic mandate by the electorate to govern this country for the next five years.

3. Welcomes the election of Zimbabwe and our President and First Secretary, Cde R.G. Mugabe, as the Deputy and therefore incoming Chair of Sadc;

4. Salutes and honours our Defence and National Security Forces for upholding the Constitution and for their patriotic commitment to our people and nation.

5. Expresses its gratitude to the President and First Secretary, His Excellency Cde R.G. Mugabe, for conveying our sincere and deep condolences to the family and people of South Africa on the passing on of former President of the Republic of South Africa Nelson Mandela on behalf of our party, Government and the people of Zimbabwe.

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