Friday, January 31, 2014

Abayomi Azikiwe, PANW Editor, Featured on Press TV: 'Guantanamo A Total Outrage'

Journalist: Guantanamo 'a total outrage'

Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:10AM

To listen to this statement by Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire, just click on the website below:

A Detroit-based political commentator has criticized Guantanamo officials for torture of detainees and urged authorities to close the facility as soon as possible.

The notorious US military prison located within the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba is "a total outrage," said Abayomi Azikiwe, editor of the Pan-African News Wire. "It's an affront to the sensibilities of people not only in the United States but throughout the entire world."

"These inmates, many of whom have not been charged with any crime, there's been no evidence presented against them, should be released by the United States government," Azikiwe told Press TV Wednesday.

More than 150 detainees are held at Guantánamo. The first detainees were brought there 12 years ago after being captured during America's so-called 'War on Terror'.

Last week, Amnesty International said US's continued operation of Guantanamo and the torture of detainees there is a prime example of America's double standard on human rights.

The secrecy regarding human rights violations committed by US military
and intelligence officials must come to an end, the organization said.

Amnesty also slammed President Barack Obama for refusing to shut down
Guantanamo as he had promised in 2009 when he first came to office.

"Conditions inside the Guantanamo camp are deplorable," Azikiwe said.

"The United States government should be held accountable for its gross violations of the human rights of the prisoners that are being held illegally in Guantanamo Bay."

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