Thursday, February 13, 2014

ANC Says DA March Had No Point; SACP Condemns Opposition

National 12.2.2014 05.53 pm

DA march had no point – Duarte

There was no point to the DA’s march for “real jobs” on Wednesday, ANC deputy secretary general Jessie Duarte said.

“We are going to have to stand our ground every time the DA wants to do something ridiculous, illogical and silly,” she told reporters after the DA’s march.

The Democratic Alliance’s march for “real jobs” started at the Westgate transport hub in Johannesburg on Wednesday morning and was supposed to end at Beyers Naude square, about a block from the African National Congress’s headquarters Luthuli House.

However, the procession was cut short when police stopped the DA at the corner of Marshall and Rissik streets and told them it was too dangerous to continue.

A short while later, a group of people wearing ANC attire ran towards the marchers and police fired stun grenades at them. On Miriam Makeba Street, a group, also dressed in ANC attire, threw petrol bombs at police.

Duarte said the DA came to Johannesburg looking for a confrontation.

“They meant to be confrontational. They took the undemocratic process of marching to another political party,” she said.

If any other political party decided to march to the ANC’s headquarters it would get the same response. The ANC admitted some of its members were carrying sticks and stones, but said party officials confiscated these.

Four people wearing ANC T-shirts were arrested for public violence.

Colonel Katlego Mogale said people became violent when DA supporters arrived in Rissik Street and police officers were stoned and petrol bombed.

Despite this, no injuries were reported, she said.

“If there are members arrested we want to know who they are, and if they are members we will take action,” ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu said.

- Sapa

ANCYL statement on DA Act of provocation

12 February 2014

The ANC Youth League regards the planned DA march to the ANC Head-Quarters as an act of provocation. The DA has a plenty of opportunities and public platforms to debate with the ANC the contents of its manifesto.

We are appalled by the reports that the DA besides hiring a private white security company, they will be bringing a rented crowd to the march, which is essentially black and African in particular. This has been their long established pathology of using blacks in their gimmicks to woe and dupes the black electorate to support their anti transformation racist policies, that are aimed at restoring white privilege and protecting white monopoly capital interests.

ANCYL as the leader of the Progressive Youth Alliance will be out in full force to form a human chain and defend the Albert Luthuli House. We should disappoint them and fall for their act of provocation. We call upon the South Gauteng High Court to act in the best interest of South Africa`s democracy and peace and grant the ANC the interdict.

President Jacob Zuma will be delivering the State of the Nation Address outlining the progress South Africa has made in the last 20 years and in particular the last term of office. DA instead of being superfluous they should exercise some restraint and engage the SONA, which will outline the programme for the next term, starting from 2014.

The ANCYL calls on all young people to go out in the millions on the 7th May 2014 to vote the ANC as it`s the only organization that is tried and tested to guarantee democracy and freedom.

Issued by
African National Congress Youth League

Mzwandile Masina (ANCYL National Convener)- 076 634 1755 Magasela Mzobe (ANCYL National Coordinator) - 083 563 7942 Dr. Bandile Masuku (ANCYL National Spokesperson) - 071 574 4513

SACP reaffirms its support for the ANC and condemns the DA

12 February 2014

The SACP joins the African National Congress (ANC) in welcoming the court ruling preventing the DA ("Democratic Alliance) from exporting anarchy to ANC headquarters Luthuli House. As expressed by their leader at the onset of their new attempt of a counter-revolution, the DA`s intention was to take a "war to Luthuli House".

This was later characterised as a "frontal war". It became clear yesterday that the DA hired mercenaries or a paramilitary force in the form of some unidentified private security company accompanied by a rented mob from outside the DA`s core electoral base of colonial and apartheid capitalist beneficiaries.

The SACP condemns the DA`s incitement of violence in the strongest terms possible. The DA must be held responsible for any violent-related outcomes that may occur as a result of their declared "war".

We also reject Mmusi Maimane`s allegations, quoted by Mail & Guardian online (12 February 2014), among others baselessly alleging that the SACP issued a statement threatening the DA. Maimane is DA`s candidate for premier position in Gauteng Province who has absolutely no chance to become such as the ANC continues to enjoy overwhelming support and will definitely emerge victorious again.

The march by the DA is in fact an act of desperation as their own research is telling them that they will lose the national elections dismally and that the ANC may perform even better. The DA is also using cheap diversionary tactics in the light of the achievements of the ANC over the last 20 years and in the wake of the massive January 8 rallies.

The SACP has warned the DA not to engage in things they have no capacity to sustain.

We reiterate this principled position. The court ruling in fact confirmed our correctness, hence the DA was this morning no longer scheduled to reach Luthuli House but another destination elsewhere with their helmets, millions of rands and booked hospital wards they hoped will be filled with ANC supporters if not some elements from their rented mob.

The insignificant DA is trying to magnify its non-existent or immaterial stature by equating itself to the ANC through provocative manoeuvres. While we remain available to stop any anarchy from being exported to Luthuli House, the SACP will focus on and pull all stops to cement ANC electoral victory and ensure increased majority in the forthcoming elections.

Issued by SACP

Alex Mashilo - Spokesperson
Mobile: 082 9200 308
Office: 011 339 3621

- See more at:

A man behind the failed `DAgangSA` marriage exposed

12 February 2014

The SACP in the Western Cape Province notes the recent revelations surrounding the funder Nathan "Natie" Kirsh of the failed marriage between two desperate opposition parties lead by the liberal elites. The SACP in the Western Cape would like to highlight gross contradictions and manipulations by supposed political leaders whose failed project by their own admission was driven by their funders.

It has come to the attention of the SACP its unwavering Alliance with the ANC in the Province that allegations surrounding the funder of the failed, tabloid-induced coma of opposition amalgamation, is an individual that the SACP considers a pioneer of global capitalist puppetry. An individual that holds considerable sway on the global free market community, an individual that has accumulated billions through corporations aligned with the repressive Swazi Monarchy, the oppressive Zionist and apartheid state of Israel, and shady dealings in shareholdings in Liberia.

The SACP in the Province extents its internationalist arm of solidarity to the people of Palestine as a key facet in advancing a progressive global agenda. Thus, the repulsive revelation relating to the bankroller of the `DAgangSA`, acknowledged or unknown by the broader South African community, is an indication of the global powers at play determined to thwart and destabilise our National Democratic Revolution and society.

The opposition`s vocalisation and unashamed publication of this objectionable funder and puppet master should be viewed with complete disdain. The menacing element linking a funder and driver of the failed DA-AgangSA merger if not acquisition with a $19 million (US) deal involving the Israeli Ministry of Defence over contracts to install detection systems along the illogical and tyrannical West Bank Wall in Palestine, is a clear indication of the fallacy of the aims neo-liberal opponents in this country are attempting to advance.

This unscrupulous link of corporate titans meddling and influencing the affairs of South African politics is yet again an indication of the desperation and greed to lead, regardless of the long-term repercussions. The Party would like to characterise this aborted imperialist sell-out collusion as nothing more than global capitalism at its height - imperialism.

The SACP in the province views this sort of collaboration as a regression and alignment with a state (Israel) that segregates, persecutes and has de-humanised the Palestinian people in their struggle for national self-determination, international recognition, freedom and a return to a peaceful existence.

Whilst the South African `Thatcherist ladies` of opposition politics wine and dine with global deviants, the SACP in the Western Cape along with the mass democratic movement, led by the ANC, will continue to highlight these sordid relations and maintain our collective focus of perpetually advancing, deepening and defending our National Democratic Revolution and therefore society.

The SACP will consult with structures, members and allies regarding the need for mass action to be taken against those who are selling our country to the highest bidder in the name of the so-called open society which has been exposed to be nothing but an open door for scavengers to exploit our people. An announcement will follow sooner than later.

Issued by SACP Western Cape


Barry James Mitchell - 2nd Deputy Provincial Secretary
Mobile: 0763160165
Masonwabe Sokoyi - Provincial Spokesperson
Mobile: 0741772068

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