Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Draft Resolution to Compromise Syrian Security Halted at United Nations

Churkin: Draft resolution on humanitarian situation in Syria proposed to UNSC will not be adopted

Feb 11, 2014

Moscow, (SANA) – Russia' Permanent Representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, stressed that the draft resolution proposed to the UN Security Council (UNSC) regarding the humanitarian situation in Syria will not be adopted because it is meant to undermine the efforts of the international community in the humanitarian field.

"The draft resolution regarding the humanitarian situation in Syria will not be adopted because it will not have a positive reflection on the situation, and it will lead to undermining the efforts in this regard," Russia Today quoted Churkin as saying on Monday.

Russia on Wednesday opposed a new UNSC resolution on the humanitarian situation in Syria proposed by sides that attempt to politicize the situation in the country.

Churkin pointed out that Russia saw that the draft resolution represents an attempt to increase the political tensions on Syria, adding " Moscow is ready to look into the proposes that aim at improving the humanitarian situation in Syria, but not those considered as provocative steps."

The Russian Diplomat pointed out to the progress achieved regarding delivering humanitarian assistance in Syria, reminding of the evacuation of more than 800 civilians from Homs since Friday, in addition to delivering food and medicine to the old city in the central province.

On Thursday, Australia, Jordan and Luxemburg proposed a draft resolution to the UNSC regarding what was called as "the humanitarian issue in Syria", and a meeting was scheduled to be held Monday for discussing that, but Moscow and Beijing did not attend it.

R. Milhem / Ghossoun

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