Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Mugabe Threatens Mutasa Supporters
Zimbabwe Eye

Didymus Mutasa,former Zanu PF administration secretary and Headlands MP has claimed that the ruling party is intimidating his supporters as it has deployed State security agents in the constituency ahead of a by-election to be held on  10th of  June this year.

Mutasa who was  fired from Zanu PF and recalled from Parliament over alleged indiscipline after he filed a court challenge seeking nullification of the party’s December 2014 congress outcome, has expressed that he will contest and defend his parliamentary seat as a Zanu PF candidate as he has always done.

A total 15 aspiring candidates have been listed by Zanu PF to contest primary elections to choose a suitable candidate for the by-elections. Mutasa  who said  nothing will deter him  and he is ready to contest in the by-election described himself as still belonging to  Zanu PF .

“I have already stated  that I will contest the by-election under the real Zanu PF, and I don’t know which other Zanu PF they are talking about. I am still a bona fide party member and l would contest any by-election in my constituency under the party’s name. I don’t want to let  down the people in my constituency.” he said.

Talking about his campaigns he described how  these were being  sabotaged by the state security agents.

“Already there is no fair play because the army and CIO (Central Intelligence Organisation) are already patrolling the area intimidating my supporters.

Those illegal party candidates should campaign for themselves without misusing State  instruments like the army, police, the CIO and other civil servants.” said Mutasa.

Mutasa has named one of the  top Air Force of Zimbabwe official (name supplied), who is claimed  to be  leading the terror campaign against his supporters.

During his hey days in  Zanu PF, Mutasa was President Robert Mugabe’s close aide and was once  in charge of the CIO.

Samuel Udenge the  acting provincial chair for Manicaland has confirmed that 15 candidates were vying for  the Headlands seat.

Among those listed are former Manicaland governor Tinaye Chigudu, outspoken war veteran Nathaniel Mhiripiri, provincial youth league chairperson Dakarayi Mapuranga, Nation Madongorere, Christopher Chingosho, councillors Taurai Chiripamberi and Mathias Dakura.

- See more at: http://www.zimeye.com/zanu-pf-threatens-mutasa-supporters/#sthash.ZKcL491R.dpuf

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