Tuesday, March 17, 2015

ZANU-PF Scared of Mujuru Rebound
Mar 16, 2015
Nehanda Radio

HARARE – Zanu PF is still scared of a possible come back by the ousted former vice president Joice Mujuru and her allies.

This was revealed by the Zanu PF Mashonaland Central Youth league chairperson Godfrey Tsenengamu who has intensified the party’s call to expel Mujuru as a way of dealing with the threat posed by her faction.

Addressing hundreds of Party supporters at a belated birthday celebration of President Robert Mugabe, the youth chairperson Tsenengamu urged the party to expel the former vice president since her continued membership gives her allies hopes of regrouping.

“We expelled Didymus Mutasa, Rugare Gumbo and Temba Mliswa for belonging to the faction that wanted to assassinate the president, but nothing has happened to mai Mujuru despite confessions by all these people we have expelled that she was their leader,” Tsenengamu said.

“The situation is similar to what happened in the bible when the Philistines cut Samson’s hair and gorged his eyes and thought they had managed to deal with him.”

“What they did not know is that his hair grew and he regained his strength. This is exactly what we are facing now. The people who belong to mai Mujuru are regrouping and until we deal with the leader of the faction, we will face similar problems in the future,” he said.

Mujuru lost her vice presidency position following claims that she wanted to overthrow Mugabe ahead of the December congress.

She was eventually fired from government together with 17 other ministers and deputy ministers alleged to be part of her cabal.

However Mujuru has remained quiet while her foot soldiers, Mutasa and Gumbo have kept Mugabe on his toes. Mutasa has since filed a court application challenging the whole congress which he says was unconstitutional.

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