Sunday, October 02, 2016

Latin American Left Debate Regional Panorama
Cuba will continue to demand the lifting of the U.S. economic blockade, stated José Ramón Bala­guer, a member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, during his keynote address entitled: Central America and the Caribbean, Latin America’s victorious decade

Author: Redacción Internacional |
september 30, 2016 13:09:48

José Ramón Balaguer, a member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat and head of its International Relations Department, gave the keynote lecture, Central America and the Caribbean, Latin America’s victorious decade. Photo: Twitter

Quito.— Cuba will continue to demand the lifting of the U.S. economic blockade, stated José Ramón Bala­guer, a member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, during his keynote address entitled, "Central America and the Caribbean, Latin America’s victorious decade," as part of the Third Latin American Progressive Encounter (ELAP 2016), taking place September 28-30 in Ecuador.

Bala­guer, also head of the Communist Party of Cuba’s International Relations department, stated that war, aggression, soft coups and attempts to effect regime change were constants in countries of the region, according to posts on the event’s official Twitter account (@Elap_Ecuador) and the Cuban Embassy in Ecuador.

We insist on the dream of the Greater Homeland, unique and unbreakable, according to the ideals of our predecessors, stated Balaguer on the second day of the event, which aims to provide a space to review links between leftist forces in the region, and discuss the emergence of a new Operation Condor.

Later, he thanked the Ecuadoran people and government for their support of Cuba’s cause.

He also reiterated the island’s solidarity with the Citizens Revolution and Brazil, emphasizng, “We denounce destabilization and coup attempts like those recently undertaken.”

Balaguer’s lecture in the main hall of the International Center of Higher Studies for Communication in Latin America (Ciespal), opened the second day of events organized within ELAP 2016, which brings together delegates from over 20 countries from the region, Asia and Europe.

Meanwhile, former President of Uruguay, José Mujica called on supporters and progressive governments to strengthen unity and overcome the errors of the past, in order to struggle against a world where the concentration of wealth in a few hands threatens democracy.

The Ecuadorian news agency Andes, noted that Balaguer spoke at length about the concentration of wealth as one of the most powerful threats to democracy in the region, in a world where capital grows faster than the global economy.

Also participating in the event is former President of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, who received the Manuela Sáenz Order, awarded to current and former heads of state for their outstanding work in support of the people.

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