Sunday, April 02, 2017

ANC Statement on the Changes in the Cabinet
31 March 2017

The African National Congress has noted the reshuffle of the National Executive by the President of the Republic, Comrade Jacob Zuma. According to the Presidency, the decision is taken to to improve effectiveness and efficiency. This has led to members of the National Officials expressing varying opinions on the reshuffle. The ANC is confident that the National Officials of the ANC will meet soon to further appraise each other on this matter and collectively give guidance and leadership to the organisation.

South Africans have bestowed upon ANC the leadership responsibility to make a success of the country. This requires committed and focus action amongst members and leaders of the organisation, working hand in glove, with all societal partners. It further calls on the movement to unite all our people in a common cause - pushing back the frontiers of poverty, reducing inequality and reversing the tide against unemployment. The ANC therefore at all times should focus on common and national challenges in the interest of the people and to advance their aspirations.

Accordingly ANC calls on its members and leaders to display unity of purpose at this time. From time to time there shall be divergent views on the nature and means to achieve the type of society we wish to construct. This is an inalienable characteristic of the broad church that defines the character of the African National Congress. Diversity and plurality of views does not mean division but robust and necessary engagement within our movement in our quest to deliver on our responsibility to our people.

Members and leaders of the organization are expected to focus more on what contributes to unify the nation than what divides us. Members of the Executive are as always expected to display the highest levels of integrity, selflessness, trustworthiness, honesty and commitment to serve our people in the execution of their duties.

Issued by the African National Congress

Zizi Kodwa 082 330 4910
National Spokesperson
Khusela Sangoni 072 854 5707
National Communications Manager

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