Monday, February 19, 2018

Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Un from Central Standing Committee of Chongryon
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) on February 16, the birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il.

The letter said that the revolutionary career of Kim Jong Il was the noblest life of a peerless patriot who performed feats to shine forever in the history of the country by devoting his all to the prosperity of the country and happiness of posterity to come.

Kim Jong Il was the outstanding leader who brought up Chongryon to be the pioneer of the patriotic movement, an example of patriotism and loyalty and a model of overseas compatriots' movement true to the high intention of President Kim Il Sung, and the guardian of the destiny of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan, the letter noted.

It said that the history of loving care recorded with legendaries of the leadership, noble patriotism and compatriotism of Kim Jong Il is given a steady continuity thanks to the fatherly loving care and solicitude shown by Marshal Kim Jong Un who is bestowing everything on strengthening Chongryon and ensuring a happy life of the Koreans in Japan.

The letter stressed that the officials of Chongryon and the Koreans in Japan would fulfil their patriotic mission and honorable duty before the country and the nation in the movement to make a breakthrough in the independent reunification in hearty response to the task for national reunification set forth by Kim Jong Un in his New Year Address.


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