Monday, February 19, 2018

Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Un
Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) on February 16, the birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il (the Day of the Shining Star).

The letter said that Kim Jong Il's career is glorious as the sacred history in which he performed exploits for the country and nation and before the era and humankind.

It noted that he is being highly lauded as the father of the nation and the eternal sun of mankind as he ushered in the June 15 era of reunification and provided the firm foundation for independent reunification and peace and prosperity by devoting his efforts and energy, and led the global cause of independence to victory.

It noted that today Kim Jong Il's revolutionary career and exploits are being successfully carried forward by Marshal Kim Jong Un, another heaven-sent great man, and the cause of the sun pioneered in Mt Paektu is being dynamically advanced.

The present climate of national reconciliation, unity and reunification exciting the public at home and abroad is the grandiose picture brought about by the transparent idea of Kim Jong Un on independent reunification and outstanding leadership provided by him to put an end to the tragedy of national division and reunify the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation, it pointed out.

The letter stressed that the vanguard fighters of the AINDF and patriotic people of various strata would hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the eternal sun of the nation for all ages and dedicate their all to the struggle for national reunification led by Kim Jong Un, true to the behests of Kim Jong Il.


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