Thursday, May 09, 2019

Motive Force for Korea’s Liberation
President Kim Il Sung prepared the motive force for Korea’s liberation by rallying broad sections of people under the ideal of national independence and great national unity during the anti-Japanese armed struggle (1930-1945).

In the past, the Korean people waged the righteous volunteers movement and the independence movement against the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists who occupied their country by force of arms (1905-1945). They gave vent to their indignation through the March First Popular Uprising and the June 10th Independence Movement, but their struggle ended in failure and frustration as the anti-Japanese patriotic forces failed to achieve solid unity and cohesion.

Based on the lessons of history and experience, Kim Il Sung set building up the motive force by closely rallying all members of the Korean nation as a strategic point which would guarantee the victory of the revolution. He convened a meeting of military and political cadres of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army at Nanhutou, Ningan County of China (February 27 to March 3, 1936), where he set forth the policy of organizing a permanent united front body and expanding and developing the anti-Japanese national united front movement on a nationwide scale.

In those days, many people failed to have a correct understanding of the united front movement in a colonial country. They thought that the formation of a united front body was impossible in Korea as there were no political party or legal organizations.

The President held that a united front body is not always formed through the alliance of political parties and organizations, it can be formed if there are the masses and the leading nucleus, and it is important to rally people, whether they are ten or one hundred, into a single force on the basis of common purpose and intention.

During the march from Nanhutou to Donggang or by the campfire while bivouacking at the end of each day, he elaborated and mapped out the programme, rules and inaugural declaration of the anti-Japanese national united front organization.

Based on such preparations, he called a meeting for founding the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland (ARF) in Donggang, Fusong County of China on May 5, Juche 25 (1936). The meeting was attended by many military and political cadres of the KPRA, representatives of independence movement and delegates of Chondoists, peasants, teachers and workers from across the country. At the meeting, he stressed the need to found the anti-Japanese national united front body in order to mobilize all the patriotic forces of the nation to the anti-Japanese struggle more vigorously and proposed naming the organization the “Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland”.

After making a historic report at the meeting, he made public the Ten-Point Program of the ARF and its Inaugural Declaration.

The participants, representing the unanimous will and desire of all the Korean people, elected Kim Il Sung Chairman of the ARF.

The ARF played a big role in closely uniting all the Koreans against the Japanese imperialists into a political force so as to inspire them to the struggle for achieving the cause of national liberation.

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